White-Collar Crime and Street Crimes


White-Collar crime is a particular type of crime that is mostly committed by business people, government officials, entrepreneurs, and professionals. These people enjoy a high social position in society and deceive people through bribery, fraud, and cybercrimes.


Literal Meaning

“A nonviolent crime involving cheating or dishonesty in commercial matters.”



According to Investopedia

White-collar crime is a nonviolent crime committed for financial gain.

According to Wikipedia

The term “white-collar crime” refers to financially motivated, nonviolent crimes committed by individuals, businessmen, and government officials.


Categories of White Collar Crimes

The categories of White Collar crimes are the following.

1. Crimes in Medical Profession

  • Health care fraud

2. Business, Trade, and Industry Crimes

  • Money Laundering
  • Investment Schemes
  • Telemarketing Frauds

3. Crimes involving Corruption

  • Embezzlement
  • Forgery
  • Bribery

4. Crimes of Taxation

  • Tax Evasion

5. Relevant Crimes

  • Blackmail
  • Extortion
  • Counterfeiting
  • Conspiracy
  • Employee Theft
  • Cybercrimes

Growth of White-Collar Crime

White-collar crime has grown its roots due to the following factors.

  1. Advancement of Science and Technology
  2. Industrial Revolution
  3. World War I & World War II

Difference b/w White-Collar and Stree Crimes

White-Collar Crimes are different from Street Crimes.

White-Collar Crimes

White-Collar crime is a particular type of crime that is mostly committed by business people, government officials, entrepreneurs, and professionals.

These crimes are mostly financially motivated crimes. These crimes involve deceit, concealment, and violation of the trust of people.

Edwin H. Sutherland was a Sociologist who proposed the term White-Collar crime in 1939. It included a wide range of frauds and fiddles committed by businessmen and public officials.

White-Collar crimes include Bribery, Forgey, Embezzlement, Fraud relating to health, Theft, Cybercrimes, Corporate crimes, Copyright fraud, Corruption, and Money Laundering.

Penalties for Criminals

The penalties that are given to white-collar criminals are the following.

  • Home Detention
  • Fines
  • Paying the cost of Prosecution
  • Supervised Release
  • Restitution
  • Community Confinement
  • Imprisonment

Street Crimes

Street crimes are those crimes that can be seen by other people in society. They are also known as Blue-Collar crimes.  These may be against the property or against persons. Street crimes are intentional and well-planned.

Street Crimes Against Property: These crimes occur when one steals the property of another without causing physical injury to the individual. Examples are Arson, Burglary, Motor Vehicle Theft, Vandalism, and Shoplifting.

Street Crimes Against Person: These are those crimes in which the criminal causes bodily harm to other individuals. The victim is injured as a result of violence. Examples are Homicide, Robbery, Rape, and Domestic Violence.

The most usual street crimes are the following;

  1. Crimes against Life and Health    (Murder & Injury)
  2. Crimes against the Public             (Drug Trafficking)
  3. Crimes against Property               (Theft, Robbery, Fraud)
  4. Crimes against Public Order         (Hooliganism, Vandalism, Illegal possession of weapons)
  5. Crimes against Women                 (Rape)

The Severity of Crimes?

In general, street crimes are more violent in nature as compared to white-collar crimes. But if we talk about which one is more devastating, then the answer is White-Collar when it is compared with street crime. The reason is that white-collar crimes have been proven more dangerous both financially and emotionally.

Street crime offenders are mostly from areas of low socioeconomic status as compared to white-collar criminals.

In Street crimes, the offender directly targets the right victim who is mostly without defense. In street crime, the danger may be physical, emotional, and financial. It may result in the form of an injury. Street crimes have safety concerns.

On the other hand, white-collar crime also takes place with the keen intention of the offender. In white-collar crimes, the danger lies in financial constraints. White-Collar crimes have financial concerns.



Both White-Collar Crimes and Street Crimes are very serious crimes and have a dangerous impact on society and individuals. Both these crimes have been proven devastating for the community and its inhabitants. Both have their own victims and consequences.

Street crimes include murders, rape, and robbery while White-Collar crimes include tax evasion, bankruptcy, corruption, and cybercrime.

The punishments for these crimes also vary to a great extent. However, law enforcement agencies must do something to eliminate these crimes from society.

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