Free Consent | The Contract Act 1872

Law of Contract

Preface Free consent means a voluntary agreement by a person. That person must possess and exercise sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent choice to do something proposed by another person.   Relevant Provisions Sections 14, 19, and 20 of the Contract Act, of 1872 deal with free consent.   Definition of the term “Consent” … Read more

Coercion in Contract | The Contract Act 1872

Law of Contract

Preface Coercion in a contract refers to the use of force, threats, or undue influence to compel someone into entering or modifying a contractual agreement against their free will. It undermines the voluntary nature of contracts and renders them legally unenforceable.   Relevant Provisions Sections 15, and 19 of the Contract Act, of 1872 deal … Read more

Undue Influence | The Contract Act 1872

Law of Contract

Preface Undue influence is a legal term that affects the nature of a contract and makes it voidable at the option of the aggrieved party.   Relevant Provisions Section 16 of the Contract Act 1872 deals with undue influence.   Definition of Undue Influence Section 16 defines undue influence as follows A contract is said … Read more

Misrepresentation | The Contract Act 1872

Law of Contract

Preface Misrepresentation is a false statement that the person making it honestly believed to be true, or that he does not know to be false.   Relevant Provisions Sections 18 and 19 of the Contract Act, of 1872 deal with misrepresentation.   Definition Misrepresentation is to say a misleading statement to someone. However, Section 18 … Read more

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