Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and his Contributions


After the War of Independence, the Muslims were the target of the vengeful activities of the British Government. The Hindus could make the British believe that the Muslims threatened British rule. As a result, national recognition of the Muslims was in severe danger. At that crucial time, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was the first leader to come forward and try to rescue the national pride of the Muslims.



When Muslims were in their worst conditions, Sir Syed realized the seriousness of the matter. He was greatly shocked at the destruction of the Muslim families of Delhi and Muradabad.



Aligarh Movement was established to fulfil the following targets;

  1. To build confidence between the government and the Muslims
  2. To persuade the Muslims to acquire Modern knowledge and the English language
  3. To hold back Muslims from politics



Following are the services of Sir Syed Ahmad in various fields of life.

  1. Educational Services
  2. Literary Services
  3. Social and Economic Services
  4. Political Services


According to Graham,

Sir Syed’s motto was to educate, educate and educate. Sir Syed advised the Muslims to get the most modern Western education in his educational reforms.

A. School in Muradabad

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established the educational institution in Muradabad in 1859. That was a Persian School.

B. School in Ghazi Pur

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established a school in Ghazi Pur in 1862.

C. Scientific Society

Sir Syed established a Unique institution named Scientific Society in Ghazi Pur in 1863; the purpose of its establishment was to acquire books in Other languages and translate them into Urdu.

D. Establishment of MAO School Aligarh

Sir Syed Ahmad set up MAO School in Aligarh in 1825; later, it was upgraded to a college.

E. Muhammadan Educational Conference

Sir Syed established Muhammadan Educational Conference funds to fulfil the requirements of the Aligarh movement. This organization served the Muslim community in all fields.



Sir Syed himself was a prolific writer. Luckily, he was assisted by a group of intellectual essayists and critics.

A. Khutbat-e-Ahmadia

In 1869,  Sir Syed Ahmad Khan wrote a book khutbah-Ahmadia to defend the Holy Prophet in reply to A More S book

B. Tabbin-ul-Kalam

He wrote a Commentary on the Bible called Tabbin-ul-kalam.

C. Risala Tahzib-ul-Akhlaq

In 1970, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan published Risala Tahzib-ul-Akhlaq, describing the sole problem of Muslims and trying to eliminate the prejudice among Muslims towards non-Muslims.

D. Asar-Us-Sanadeed

For the Social Welfare of the Muslims, he wrote Asar-ur-Sandeed.

E. Translation Works

Sir Syed Ahmad translated the following books.

  • Ain-Akbari
  • Tuzok-e-Jahangiri
  • Tarikh Sarkashi Banjor
  • Tafseer-ul-Quran
  • Loyal Muhammadan of India
  • Asbab-e-Baghawat-Hind



Sir Syed took many steps to regain the Muslims’ lost social and economic status.

A. Lost Glory

Sir Syed Ahmad guided the Muslins on every level to regain their last glory.

B. Risala-Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind

After the War of Independence 1857, he wrote Risala-e-Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind, describing the reasons behind this war.

C. Loyal Muhammadans of India.

Sir Syed wrote his book to make the British aware of the services of the Muslims. Through this book, he got the sensible behaviour of the British toward the Muslims of India.

D. Government jobs for the Muslims

As a result of Sir Syed’s Campaign, the Muslims of India got remarkable jobs in the sector on a large scale.



Sir Syed advised the Muslims to remain away from Politics, and he took essential steps to educate the Muslims for their socio-economic restoration.

A. Two-Nation Theory

He initially favoured Hindu-Muslim unity, but after the Hindi Controversy, he learned the nature of the Hindu nation. Then, for the first time in History, he used the word “Nation” for the Muslims in 1867.

B. Quota in Services

He started a movement against the open competitive examinations for superior Services.

C. Advice to Avoid Politics

After the war of 1857, he advised the Muslims to remain away from Politics until they would become strong in education.

D. Urdu Hindi Controversy

After the Urdu-Hindi Controversy, Sir Syed understood the mentality of the Hindus, and he pressured the British to avoid replacing Urdu with Hindi.



The services of Sir Syed were highly applauded; therefore, he is recognized as one of the founders of Pakistan. The role played by Sir Syed was appreciated by several people who said;

“The first stone of the foundation of Pakistan was laid down by this old man (Sir Syed Ahmad Khan).”




  • Pakistan Studies by Waqar Ahmad Cheema

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