Subject Verb Agreement in English | English Grammar


Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental concept in English grammar that governs the relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence. It ensures that the verb agrees with the issue in terms of number (singular or plural).

The verb form changes based on whether the subject is singular or plural. Maintaining subject-verb agreement is crucial for grammatically correct and clear communication. When constructing sentences, it is essential to understand the different forms of verbs and how they correspond to singular and plural subjects.



Let’s delve into the intricacies of subject-verb agreement with the help of a few examples:

1. Singular subject with a singular verb:

    • The cat sleeps peacefully on the mat.
    • In this example, the singular subject “the cat” is paired with the singular verb “sleeps.” The verb “sleeps” agrees with the particular topic.

2. Plural subject with a plural verb:

    • The cats play with balls of yarn.
    • Here, the plural subject “the cats” matches the plural verb “play.” The verb “play” agrees with the plural subject.

3. Singular subject with an irregular verb:

    • The child goes to school every day.
    • In this case, the singular subject “the child” is paired with the irregular singular verb “goes.” The verb “goes” agrees with the particular topic.

4. Compound subject with a plural verb:

    • My father and I enjoy hiking in the mountains.
    • The verb becomes plural when two or more singular subjects are joined by “and” to form a compound subject. “my father and I” constitute a compound subject, and the plural verb “enjoy” agrees with it.

5. Indefinite pronouns and subject-verb agreement:

    • Each of the students has completed the assignment.
    • Indefinite pronouns like “each,” “everyone,” and “nobody” are considered singular. In this example, the singular verb “has” agrees with the indefinite pronoun “each.”



Maintaining subject-verb agreement may seem straightforward in simple sentences, but it can become more challenging in complex sentences. Identifying the subject correctly and determining whether it is singular or plural is crucial. Factors such as prepositional phrases, intervening words, and inverted sentence structures can make subject-verb agreement more complex.

To ensure subject-verb agreement, pay attention to the following guidelines:

  1. In sentences with compound subjects joined by “and,” use a plural verb.
  2. Singular subjects joined by “or,” “nor,” or “either…or” require a singular verb.
  3. Indefinite pronouns like “everyone,” “somebody,” and “anyone” take a singular verb.
  4. Subjects preceded by “each” or “every” also take a singular verb.
  5. Collective nouns (e.g., team, group, family) can take a singular or plural verb, depending on the emphasis on the group or its members.



Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar that ensures harmony between the subject and the verb in a sentence. It helps convey clear and grammatically correct messages. Understanding the rules and practising with various examples will enhance your ability to maintain subject-verb agreement in your writing and speech.

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