Sovereignty in Islam | Islamic Jurisprudence


Sovereignty in Islam refers to the ultimate authority and power belonging to Allah, the one God, as expressed through the guidance of the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).



According to Webster’s Dictionary:

“Sovereignty is the quality or state of being autonomous, exalted, unlimited in extent and having supreme excellence over everything.”


“The supreme power or authority of an individual or a group of individuals which is unquestionably obeyed by the bulk of people in the State.”

According to Locke:

“Sovereignty should belong to few people.”



In Islam, Sovereignty is that God is one, and no one else is the sovereign. It is definite and universal. The Islamic concept of Sovereignty differs from the concept in the Western world.

  • The concept of Sovereignty holds a central position in Islam & is distinct and unique.
  • The Islamic concept of Sovereignty is straightforward & intelligible.
  • In Islam, sovereignty lies not in man but in Allah. He is the creator of the universe, and He is the Supreme Legislator Whose commandments are obligatory.



The concept of Sovereignty lies with Allah as the first principle of Islam. The Holy Quran says:

“The Hukm belongs to Allah alone.”

According to the basic principle of Sovereignty in Islam.

“Human beings must individually and collectively surrender all rights on Lordship. Legislation and emerging of authority over others as all these belong to Allah Almighty.”



The Holy Quran says:

“Verily Allah is powerful over all things.”

“Allah is the origin and end of all things.”

“Allah is the real ruler of the world; his law is supreme, while man is his vicegerent.”

“Who’s obeyed the messenger has obeyed Allah.”



1. Absolute:

Allah is Almighty and supreme. He is the sole possessor of power. His powers are complete and unlimited.

The Holy Quran says in Surah Tauhid,

“Say Allah is one, only one who is eternal and absolute.”

2. Indivisible:

Allah is alone, and the supreme Sovereignty of Allah cannot be divided.

The belief in the unity of Allah is the essential element of faith. Holy Quran says in Surah Bani Israel.

“Setup no other God with him. The Lord has decreed that you worship none save Him.”

3. Unlimited:

“The whole command is with Allah in all things.” Allah’s powers are unlimited and supreme. This limitlessness is a fundamental character of Allah Almighty’s Sovereignty

4. Integrated:

The sovereignty of Allah is integrated; no one can claim any share in His powers. The entire universe belongs to Him.

5. Original:

Allah is the originator and most excellent of everything in the heavens and earth. He is himself Sovereign and Everlasting.

6. Inalienable:

It means that the supreme power of Allah Almighty can not be alienated or taken away by any other people or beings. He is irresistible and a sustainer.

7. Permanent and Eternal:

“Allah is eternal, Allah’s name is also Eternal, and both shall last forever. Allah is first and last.”

8. Comprehensive:

Allah’s authorities are comprehensive and, above all, territorial limits. State Sovereignty only extends to its boundaries, but Allah’s Sovereignty extends to everything.



1. Role of Prophets

All Prophets are the representatives of the political and legal Sovereignty of Allah. They communicate the blessings of Allah. The obedience to their conduct and submission to their decisions is the obedience of Allah. The Holy Quran says.

“Whoever obeys the Prophet, he obeyed me.”

2. Caliphate (Institution of Government)

The Holy Quran says, “Every messenger we sent was sent for the sole purpose that he should be obeyed under the sanctions of Allah Almighty.



A man is the deputy of Allah Almighty. He cannot be an absolute and Sovereign ruler. Therefore, the Western concept of Sovereignty is imperfect, and there are limitations to it. Still, the Islamic idea of Sovereignty is conclusive and final, emphasizing the Sovereignty of Allah Almighty.



Frequently Asked Questions

Islam has a unique concept of Sovereignty and Shura. Please illustrate your point of view.


Kindly explain briefly the Sovereignty and the Shura as the two fundamental pillars of the Muslim State.


Islam has its unique concept of Sovereignty. Kindly highlight it by comparing it with prevalent systems of government.




  • Islamic Jurisprudence by Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee
  • N-Series by M.A. Chaudhary

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