Revenue Officers | Land Revenue Act


Classes of revenue officers are mentioned under section 7 of Land Revenue Act 1967. The Land Revenue Act describes appointment, power duties and functions of all classes of revenue officers. The board of revenue has administrative control in revenue matters all over a province. Board of Revenue controls and supervises revenue officer to whom they are subordinate.



Section 4 (23), 6 of Land Revenue Act 1967.

Cross Reference:
  1. Section 2 to 19 of Board of Revenue Act 1957
  2. Punjab Land Revenue (Amendment) Act xxiii of 2011
  3. Punjab Laws adaptation order 1974.



According to Sec. 4(23) of the Land Revenue Act 1967:

“Revenue Officer means a Revenue Officer having authority under this Act to discharge the functions of a revenue officer.”



There shall be the following classes of Revenue Officers, namely:-

  1. The Board of Revenue
  2. The Commissioner
  3. The Collector/Deputy Commissioner
  4. The Assistant Collector of the first grade
  5. The Assistant Collector of the second grade


1. Board of Revenue

The Board of Revenue is the highest authority/court in revenue matters in province.


According to Section 2 of Board of Revenue Act, 1957,

“Board means the Board of Revenue established under the West Pakistan Board of Revenue Act 1957

Constitution of Board of Revenue:

According to Section 3 of Board of Revenue Act, 1957,

  1. There shall be a Board of Revenue for Punjab Sindh NWFP (Khyber Pakhtonkhawa) / Balochistan which shall consist of such members as may be appoint by the Government for time to time
  2. The government may, whenever it considers necessary or expedient, appoint or remove a Member
Duties of Board of Revenue:
  1. The Board of Revenue exercise general superintendence and control over all revenue officers and all such officers shall be subordinate to the Board of revenue
  2. The Board of Revenue appoints revenue officers
  3. The Board of Revenue transfers revenue officers.
  4. The Board of Revenue is the highest Court of appeal and revision.
  5. The Board of Revenue distribute business and withdrawal and transfer cases
  6. The Board of Revenue have powers to make rules as to procedure, not consistent with this Act


2. Commissioner

The province is divided into division. The Commissioner is an incharge of a division and all officers are subject to its control.


The Commissioner shall be appointed under the land revenue act for each division.

  1. The Commissioner can distribute any business to any officers under its control.
  2. The Commissioner can transfer any case pending before any subordinate officer to any other officer subordinate to him.
  3. The Commissioner may withdraw any case pending before any subordinate and shall either to dispose of it himself or to transfer to any other officer subordinate to him to be disposed of.
  4. The Commissioner may refer any case which he is empowered to dispose of under this Act to any other revenue subordinate of investigation and report, and may decide the case upon such report after giving the parties concerned an opportunity of being heard.
  5. Commissioner can summon any person whose attendance he considers necessary for the purpose of any business before him as revenue officers.


3. Collector/Deputy Commissioner

The Commissioner is a revenue head of a division. While collector is the head of district. He is district officer revenue in a district. The collector is the most reasonable position holder of a district and perform multi-task duties.


The collector shall be appointed under the land Revenue Act 1967 in a district.

  1. The collector may transfer any case pending before any subordinate officer to any other officer to his choice.
  2. The collector may withdraw any case pending before his assistant controllers or any other subordinate officer and shall either to dispose of it himself or transfer the case to any other assistant collector or any other subordinate officer for disposal.
  3. The collector may refer any case, which he is empowered to dispose of himself under this Act, to any other revenue officer subordinate to him for investigation an report, and may decide the case on such report after giving the parties concerned an opportunity of being heard.
  4. The collector may summon any person whose attendance he considers necessary for the purpose of any business before him as revenue officer.


4. Assistant Collector of 1st Grade

The assistant collector of the 1st grade is appointed as revenue officer as head of a sub-division.

  • Assistant collector 1″ grade performs his duties as per directions of provincial govt.


5. Assistant Collector of 2nd Grade

Tehsildar and Naib-Tehsildar are normally assistant collectors of the 2nd grade.

  • Assistant collector second grade perform his duties as per directions of provincial government.



The appointment of all revenue officers shall be made by notification.



The Board of Revenue shall have jurisdiction in all over the province.



The powers of the Board of Revenue are as under

Highest Court of Appeal:

The Board of Revenue is the highest Court of appeal in a province. It hears appeal against executive district officer and other revenue officers.

Highest Court of Revisions Matter:

The Board of Revenue is also highest Court of revision matter in the province. A person aggrieved by an order made or decree passed by the board, If thinks fit that new circumstance have emerged as under;

  1. Discovery of new but on important matter
  2. Discovery of new evidence
  3. On account of some mistake or error apparent on the face of the record
  4. Any other reasonable ground
Chief Administrative Controller:

The Board of Revenue shall be chief administrative controller in the administrative matters regarding land.

Power to Determine Duties of its Revenue Officers:

The Board of Revenue is empowered to determine duties and powers of its Revenue officers.

Power to Make Rules:

The Board of Revenue can make rules as to procedure for its own effective working e.g.

  1. Procedure to be followed in proceedings before revenue officers or Revenue Courts.
  2. Prescribe forms and procedure to be followed by the revenue officers or revenue Court to inform Board of Revenue.
  3. Rules to prescribe authorities or the officers by whom any particular case or classes of cases generally or by specially be dealt with.
  4. To determine rules about pecuniary and territorial jurisdiction of the Revenue Court
  5. To specify class of cases in which revision shall apply.
Power to Distribute Business:

With the approval of the government, the Board of Revenue distribute its business among its member

Power to Transfer Case:

The Board of Revenue can transfer any case pending before its Subordinate revenue officers.

Power to Withdraw Cases:

The Board of Revenue has power to withdraw any case from the relevant revenue officer and either to dispose of it itself or to transfer it to any other Revenue Officer .

Conferment of Powers:

The Board of Revenue can confer powers to its Revenue officers.

Executive and Judicial Powers:

The Board of Revenue has executive and judicial powers.



Revenue officers has power to take the cognizance of the following offences;

  1. Intentionally giving or fabricating false evidence at any stage of judicial proceeding.
  2. Making of malicious or corrupt reports or pronouncement at any stage of a judicial proceeding by a public servant.
  3. Intentional insult or interruption to public servant setting in judicial proceedings.



It is concluded that all functions of all classes of revenue officers are determined under the Land Revenue Act 1967. The Board of Revenue is the highest authority on revenue matters in the province.

Therefore the Board of Revenue is competent to determine the rules of appointment and duties of various revenue officers. Board of Revenue to control and supervise all classes of revenue officers in the province to whom they are subordinate.





Describe and discuss various kinds of Revenue Officers. Also, analyze the legal provisions relating to their powers and functions.


Discuss various classes of Revenue Officers. Also, explain their powers and functions.


Disuses various classes of revenue officers. Also, bring to light the duties to be performed by such officers.

(2015-A, 2013-S)

Define and explain the classes of Revenue Officers, with particular reference to their functions and duties under the Land Revenue Act.


Describe the functions of the Board of Revenue Revenue and the Officers subordinate to it.


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