Max Weber | Theories and Contributions


Max Weber is a German thinker and theorist of the 20th century. He proposed his ideas in the form of theories at that time when the views of Karl Marx impressed the masses very much. Due to his theories, he became popular in the whole of Western Europe.

Theories of Max Weber

The theories of Max Weber are the following;

  1. Theory of Social Action
  2. Theory of Bureaucracy
  3. Theory of Authority

1. Theory of Social Action

What is Action?

Action is the internal tendency in which an actor attaches some meaning to his action. For example, to meet someone happily and to show anger. Thus, the action guides us toward the behaviour of others.

What is a Social Action?
According to Max Weber:

“An action is social if the acting individual takes account of the behaviour of others.”

He says that acts of past, present, or future influence social action. He further elaborates that social movement is not possible in isolation.

So, Social action is a type of behaviour in which there is a particular meaning to every action of the actor. 

Talcott Parsons:

Talcott Parsons also supported the theory of Max Weber, saying,

“Human behaviour is somehow located in the action of an individual.”

Thus, the action of an individual is done for a purpose that he calls meaningful action.

Max Weber’s Method:

He believed there was a particular meaning in every action of the actor. Activity will only be helpful for the actor if it contains a specific purpose. 

For example. If a car driver puts a light on a car coming in front of him, it will give the other car driver meaning.

Two Methods:

He proposed Two Methods to understand the meaning of the action;

Understanding the Action: Human behaviour cannot be understood based on the principles of Mathematics and Statistics. We can understand the importance of the action. It cannot be measured mathematically.

Understanding the Motives of the Action: It is a meaningful complex due to the actor’s attitude.

Types of Social Action:

According to Max Weber, there are four types of action.

Purposeful Logical Action: The actor is not bound to choose specific sources.

Value-Oriented Action: The aim is to learn, and the head is online or physical.

Emotional Action: In this type, emotions are included in the actor’s actions.

Traditional Action: Here, the origin and purpose are fixed.

2. Theory of Bureaucracy 

It is the theory about the structure of the government. He explained the rules of selecting and promoting government servants hierarchically. He said that it is a type of social organization.


According to Max Weber

“It is a type of organization of classes in which the work of many people is arranged through wisdom and the people perform their duties to achieve their goals on a large scale.”

Characteristics of Bureaucracy:

The attributes of Bureaucracy are the following.

1. Concept of the Hierarchy of Positions

In Bureaucracy, only those best suited for their job are employed.

2. Division of Labor

In Bureaucracy, the duties are divided among the employees decently, and everyone performs their job in their area of concern.

3. Rules and Regulations

In Bureaucracy, some strict rules and regulations have to be followed.

4. Accountability

Every individual is accountable to the higher authority in the office.

5. Impersonality

The people are impersonal in Bureaucracy.

3. Theory of Authority

Max Weber said that if respect for the law is found among the members of society, the distribution of authority will be proper in that society. By the above statement, he wanted to say that giving head to a person and not to others will be according to the law.

Types of Authority:

According to Max Weber, three types of authority are given as follows;

1. Bureaucratic Authority:

It is also known as Rational Legal Authority. It is usually found in offices—Civil Service Officers, Medical Officers, etc.

The officer’s power is placed in law, so he becomes authorized. The management of the President, Prime Minister, and the Chief Justice of Pakistan are all written and Bureaucratic.

2. Traditional Authority

This authority exists mainly in norms and traditions. Everyone has to obey these norms. Examples of these authorities are Husband, Father, Syed, and Priest.

3. Charismatic Authority

A person with extraordinary qualities such as saintliness, wisdom, and invincible power enjoys this type of authority. He is obeyed due to his respect in society and his Charisma (The ability to attract others).

For example, Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H), Quai-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Tariq Bin Ziad, and Allama Iqbal possessed great value of Charisma.

Final Note

It is concluded that Max Weber contributed a lot to the development of sociological theory through his ideas.

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