Steps for Islamization by Zia ul Haq


The steps for Islamization taken by Zia ul Haq are of great importance in promoting Islam in Pakistan. f  The primary aim of the creation of Pakistan was to implement Islamic laws under the light of the Holy Quran and Hadith.

After the creation of Pakistan, the people insisted to the government that Islam should be implemented in their country so that the aim of Pakistan could be fulfilled. On that, different steps were taken at other times.



Maulana Shabir Ahmed Usmani in the government and Abul Aala Madudi outside the government fought bravely against the rulers who were not interested in Islam. They presented 23 points in this context.



The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Khan Liaquat Ali Khan, presented a resolution in the National Assembly on March 7, 1949, to implement the Islamic laws on March 12, called the Objectives Resolution. Later, some efforts were made to promote Islamic Principles according to the Islamic clauses of the Objectives Resolution.



The first constitution of Pakistan was implemented on March 23, 1956. The second presidential constitution was implemented on March 01 1962. The third was executed on August 14 1973. The efforts made in all three forms were joint in them all.



Teherik-e-Nizam-e-Mustata. Because of that, administrative disturbances were created, and General Zia-ul-Haq imposed Martial Law in the country on July 5, 1977. This Martial law government tried to stay the religious parties by giving the implementation efforts a practical shape.



In 1977, Teherik-e-Nizam-e-Mustafa was the cause of the finishing of the Bhutto reign and Martial Law. Zia-ul-Haq was the fourth Martial Law Administrator. He took the following steps on February 12, 1979, by approving the Shariat Ordinance for the implementation of Islamic laws:

A. Establishment of courts and punishments
B. Promulgation of Islamic Economic Systems
C. Progress in the Islamic Education system
D. Steps for following religious principles and orders
E. Steps for Building Islamic Nationalism
F. Steps against Qadiyanis


General Zia-ul-Haq started the Islamic Shariat Ordinance. These courts are as follows;

1. Establishment of Shariat bench Supreme Court: The Sharist Bench in the Supreme Court was established to finalise the punishments according to Islamic law.

2. Establishment of Federal Shariat court: Federal Shariat Court was Established in Islamabad, and religious scholars were appointed judges.

3. Establishment of the federal ombudsman: In 1983, the Federal Ombudsman was established to observe the complaints against Governmental departments.

4. Establishment of Qazi classes: In the International Islamic University, Qazi classes were started to give citizens speedy and cheap justice. In some other institutions, Qazi classes were started.

5. Finishing of Non-Islamic laws: Through the Shariat ordinance, Non-Islamic laws and traditions were tried to finish.

6. Implementation of the law of diet and qisas: Some steps were pondered to implement the law of Diat and Qisan but were not given the practical shape.

7. Implementation of Islamic punishments: In February 1979, on the occasion of Eid-e-Milad-ul Nabi, an ordinance of Hadud was issued. Islamic punishments were given in that ordinance for theft, drinking, blaming and raping.


General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq practically tried to promulgate the Islamic Economic system. His steps are as follows;

1. Promulgation of the zakat system: With the help of an ordinance, the Zakat system was implemented on June 20, 1980. According to it, Zakat is taken at Banks every year on the first of Ramazan. Besides. Zakat committees were established on different levels.

2. Implementation of usher system: Along with the Zakat system, The usher system was also implemented. It was acted upon with the Rabi crop of 1983.

3. Finishing interest system: From January 01 1981, all the banks opened accounts on profit and loss bases. The overnment finance departments have also started giving loans on profit.


The efforts which were made for the first time after the creation of Pakistan for the implementation of Islamic education are as follows;

1. Islamiat as a compulsory subject: To implement the Islamic system, education was tried to be made by Islamic teaching. Islamiat was made a compulsory subject up to A-level in all the educational institutes of Pakistan.

2. Setting the status of Certificates of religious schools: Certificates of religious schools were given the status equal to B. A or M.A.

3. Recruitment of the students of religious schools as commissioned officers: The students who got their education from any religious school were recommended as commissioned officers.

4. Masjid Mahbat education scheme: Through this scheme, education in Masques was given.

5. Compulsory Fiqah education: For the students of law, Fiqah education was made compulsory.

6. Arrangements for the teaching of the Holy Quran and Arabic: On radio and television, arrangements were made for Quranic and Arabic Education.

7. Establishment of an international Islamic university: This university was established in Islamabad to give students from all over the world Islamic and Fiqah education and provide them with a chance to research in that field۔

8. Plan for the Establishment of women’s universities: A plan was made to finish co-education at a higher level. In this context, in big cities, women’s Universities were planned. This programme was given a practical shape in 1996 when the first women’s university was made in Rawalpindi۔

9. Formation of Islamic education syllabus: All syllabuses were over-viewed, and contradictory parts from Islamic education were removed.


Under the period of Zia-ul-Haq, the following steps were taken to mould the society into the Islamic one;

1. Arrangement of Namaz: A gap in Zuhar Namaz was fixed in the government institutes, schools, colleges, and offices. Namaz committees were made on all levels throughout the country.

2. Issuance of respect for the Ramazan ordinance: An ordinance was issued for the care of Ramazan. According to this ordinance, all hotels were closed during Ramazan. In public, eating was prohibited. In addition, a person not keeping fast, a sentence of three months and a fine of R.S. One hundred were fixed.

3. Punishment for disrespect of the prophethood: A person found guilty of disrespecting the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammed (PBUH) Is to be sentenced to life imprisonment or death according to this law.

4. Protection of respect of sahaba: The punishment for the person committing disrespect in the honour of Shahaba and the benefit of the family of the last prophet was fixed as three years of rigorous imprisonment and a fine.

5. Protection of respect of religious scholars: Religious conventions were arranged throughout the country on a government level, and religious scholars were given importance in state affairs.

6. Arrangement of mahafil-e-shabina: Mahafil-e-Shabina were arranged on a government level. Besides, they were telecast by radio and TTV.. live.


The government of Pakistan followed the steps for the building of Islamic nationalism among the Pakistani people:

1. Compulsory teaching of Pak studies: Pak Studies was made compulsory for B.A. in all educational institutions.

2. Promulgation of the national language: After the creation of Pakistan, generally and during the Zia period especially, steps were taken to promulgate the Urdu language. 

3. Inspiration for the national dress: To develop the inspiration for the national dress, Zia-ul-Haq himself wore Shalwar Qameez and Shairwani.

4. Provision of better haj facilities: The government of Pakistan, under the supervision of the Minorities and Religious Affairs Department, took specific steps to improve Haj facilities. It tried to send as many as possible to perform Haj.


Some steps were taken for the betterment of mass media in the country to promote the Islamic way of life. These steps are as under

1. Awakening of Islamic and national ideology: A chain of Islamic and National programmes was started on PTV and radio to awaken the two ideologies among the common masses of the country.

2. Ban on non-Islamic programmes: Non-Islamic and indecent programmes were banned on PTV and radio.

3. Direct telecasting of Islamic functions: Islamic functions like Hay Mahafil-e-Shabina and other programmes were arranged to be telecast directly

4. Increase in Islamic programmes: An increase in the Islamic programmes on radio and TTV.. was made.


Qadyanies were declared non-Muslims in the 1973 constitution. During the Zia period, some steps were taken against them to distinguish between Muslims and Qadyanies.

1. Ban on using Muslim names: Qadyanies were banned from using Muslim names e e.g.. Ahmed. Muhammed etc.

2. Status of their religious places: Using the name Mosque for Qadyanies was banned for their holy home.

3. Ban on Azaan: Azaan was banned for Qadyanies.

4. Orders against the companions of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani: Qadyanies were banned from calling the companions Sahaba and wives, Ammahatul Momeneen, of Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani.



After the creation of Pakistan, efforts were made to implement Islamic law at the insistence of the people of Pakistans. The Pakistan Resolution and the constitutions of Pakistan during the rule of Zia and the Ghulam Ishaq Khan ordinance of Shariat are all proof of that, but these ordinances were never acted upon. If Shariat is implemented today, Pakistan will start progressing fast. It is only possible when Quranic teachings are considered more important than anything else.




  • Pakistan Studies by Waqar Ahmad Cheema

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