Ideology of Pakistan | Foundation of Belief


The ideology of Pakistan, in reality, is the Ideology of Islam. The life of any Nation is subject to either human Ideology or metaphysical Ideology. An ideology emerges when people feel strongly that they are being mistreated under an existing order when fundamental societal changes threaten their status and the prevailing Ideology no longer satisfies them.



The way of thinking of class, culture or of an individual.



De Tracy states, “Ideology is the science of ideas and their origin”.



The following are the characteristics of an ideology

  • Maximum people should be united on this Ideology.
  • Enough workforce is requisite in it.
  • Collective efforts can obtain this.
  • The Ideology must be harmonized with the nation’s feelings, emotions, traditions, beliefs and values.



The Ideology of Pakistan took shape through an evolutionary process. Historical experience provided the base. Allama Iqbal gave it a philosophical explanation. Quaid-e-Azam translated it into political reality and the constituent assembly of Pakistan. Objectives Resolution was passed in March 1949 and gave it legal sanction. The Ideology of Pakistan is the implementation of Islamic teachings. The ideology of Pakistan is Islamic.



The ideology of Pakistan and the Ideology of Islam are the same thing. Their values are shared. So, Pakistan is an ideological state. So, at the peak of the Pakistan movement, there was a massive echo of a slogan which said,

“What is the meaning of Pakistan? There is one God, and Muhammad (PBUH) is the last Prophet of God.”



From the historical perspective of the sub-continent, the nation theory means that despite living together in the same country, the Hindus and the Muslims are two separate Nations. Though the Muslims and the Hindus have been living together for centuries, they could not merge.



Allama Iqbal never used the word Pakistan in his speeches, but in all his speeches, he demanded a separate homeland for Muslims of the sub-continent, so what he said for these demands. The demand for Pakistan’s sayings is considered the Ideology of Pakistan for him. He said:

“The lesson I have learnt from history is that Islam has always helped the Muslims. Even today. Islam ideology can save you from destruction by uniting your diving power.”



The sayings and addresses of the Quaid-e-Azam, which he delivered on different occasions, clearly reflect the Ideology of Pakistan Presidential address at Lahore on 23 March 1940.

“Hindus and Muslims belong to different religions based on different beliefs and present different ideologies. They have different epics, different heroes and different histories. Therefore, the union of two nations is fatal for the Sub-continent.”



The importance of Ideology is as follows.

A) Political Importance

B) Social Importance

C) Economic importance

D) Religious importance


The ideology of Pakistan has been beneficial for the people in different ways:

Saving The Muslims Of Sub Continent:

Because of the Ideology of Pakistan, the Muslims of India, who had become a minority due to the Western democracy, became a great nation

Right Of Self-Determination:

In the World’s decent civilization, self-determination is a fundamental human right. Because of the creation of Pakistan, now people have this Right.

Betterment Of The People Of India:

The Muslims of India got freedom, and they got special betterment. In addition to that, other nations like Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians had other benefits out of that.

Ending Of Hindu-Muslim Tension:

After the creation of Pakistan, Hindu-Muslim tensions, which had been a part of daily life, ended. They both create a peaceful atmosphere, which is necessary for the development of any society.

Symbol of Security Of Nation:

The people who believe the Ideology of Pakistan, although they belong to different races and areas, are united. Because of this natural unity, they can defeat foreign conspiracies and enemies of Pakistan.



To the experts on political sciences, the Ideology of Pakistan is very important in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for the following reasons.

Formation of Ideal Society:

Muslims of India had a brilliant chance to build an exemplary society in Pakistan after the creation of Pakistan.

Saved the Freedom From Hindu-British Society:

In the 18th and 19th centuries, Britishers increased their efforts to spread Christianity, and Hindus started to spread Hinduism. Under this condition, the Ideology of Pakistan saved them from spreading. Right from the Jalalu din Muhammad Akbar region, Hindus, through their “Bhagh.

Saved the Muslim Identity:

The movement had been trying to deprive the Muslims of India of their identity as a separate nation. Hazrat Mujdid Alif Sani, for the first time, showed the Muslims how to get rid of that and said: if Muslims want to live in India like a nation, they have to get themselves away from Hindus.”

Saved Islamic Culture and Civilization:

Muslims have lived with Hindus for over one hundred years in the Sub-continent. The demand of Pakistan kept them from such negligence and played an essential role in the security of Islamic tradition.

Symbol Of Beneficence For The Society:

The progress of the Muslims of the Sub-continent was hidden in the aim of getting Pakistan, which was lightened by the creation of Pakistan. Besides, the  Ideology of Pakistan is Islam, so

it is, in a way, a source of society’s goodwill.

Saved the Reasons For Human Dignity:

The primary aim of the creation of Pakistan was to form a state where Muslims could live their individual and collective lives according to the principles of Islam with dignity.



In the economic section, the following are the critical points in the Ideology of Pakistan:

Freedom From Economic Exploitation:

Hindus, landlords and usurers exploited the rights of the poor and the Muslims. Because of the Ideology of Pakistan, Muslims got the freedom from Britishers.

Industrial And Mineral Development:

After the creation of Pakistan, Muslims used their capabilities to find and use the minerals blessed by God and made progress in industry and minerals.

Getting Chances of Better Jobs:

Muslims had a chance after the creation of Pakistan to get good and better jobs.

Reasons For Economic Development

The Ideology of Pakistan is one of the essential reasons for its economic development. Due to the creation of Pakistan, the Muslims used their capabilities in every field and developed in every area.



1. Spreading Of Islam:

Before the creation of Pakistan, the pagan forces were always ready to cause some destruction to Islam and Muslims. But after the outcome of Pakistan failed, the teaching of Islam spread far and wide.

Symbol Of Unity Of the Muslim World:

The ideology of Pakistan is excellent proof that Pakistan is the strong fort of Islam. It is also situated right in the middle of the Islamic World. That is why it is also the heart of the Islamic World.

Symbol Of Power Of Islam

The ideology of Islam gives us the lesson of brotherhood and sacrifice. Islam teaches us love, care and brotherhood; Muslims are always faithful to it.



The Ideology of Islam and the logic of Pakistan are the same; their values are shared. So, Pakistan is an ideological state. Muslims and Hindus were two separate nations; their lives were based on two different ideologies. So they couldn’t live together. That is why Muslims of India wanted a particular piece of land where they could live freely socially, economically, and politically according to the principles of Islam.




  • Pakistan Studies by Waqar Ahmad Cheema

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