How Jihad is Imposed? | Kinds and Objectives


Jihad has great importance in Islam. It defends Islam and promotes it abroad to protect the Muslims of Muslim countries and the world. It is obligatory for every Muslim. Both the Holy Quran and Sunnah stress its importance. Owing to its vital importance in Islam, a place along with the “Five Pillars of Islam” has been allotted.



“Jihad means fighting or striving in the path of God using life, property, or by word.”



Jihad is an attempt and hard work to protect and uphold Islam and Muslim ummah for the will of Allah.



Permission to wage fight or War in Islam has been given by Allah Almighty, where Allah has declared the most significant rewards for martyrs killed in the way of Allah.

The Holy Quran says;

“Fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you”.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said;

“To make Jihad is an item of Iman.”



It is clear from the Holy Quran that the object of Jihad is;

  1. To help the weak
  2. To end persecution
  3. To aid the oppressed
  4. To fight against those who fight



Jihad can best be understood by looking at the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

(a) Battle of Badar

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said the following things before sending out his people to fight at Badar;

  1. You shall spare the old and sick
  2. You shall protect women and children from injury
  3. You shall not raise your arms against an unarmed person
  4. You shall not be the first to attack
  5. You shall not permit personal hate or revenge in your hearts while fighting
(b) Battle of Uhad

At the battle of Uhad, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: you are fighting for neither land nor wealth nor bloodshed but merely to defend Allah’s word and keep the banner of truth high.

(c) Battle of Muta

In the battle of Muta, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) he laid down the following principles for his army.

  1. No woman, child, or older man was to be injured or killed.
  2. No green trees were to be cut or destroyed.
  3. No one should attack those engaged in prayer.


Therefore, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) purified the system of War from all sorts of cruelties and human activities. His real aim in coming to the battlefield was neither to gain power nor to acquire lands.

It was to end persecution, create a calm and peaceful atmosphere for everybody, and help the poor, old, and weak. Thus, he revolutionized the system of War into a system of Jihad, an Ibadat in our religion, Islam.



The Holy Quran says:

“Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight but be not aggressive.”

This verse of the Holy Quran clarifies that Allah has permitted Muslims to fight against those who wage War. The following are a few wars that Allah permits.

(a) Continuation of Existing War:

Allah says:

“Continue Jihad until the opponents continue.”

So, It is lawful to continue an existing war.

(b) Defensive Wars:

The wars for the defence of the religion of Allah (Islam) or oneself are allowed in Islam. The Holy Prophet said:

“Whoever fights in defence of his person and is killed is a martyr, whoever is killed in defence of his property is a martyr, whoever is killed in defence of his family is a martyr, and whoever is killed for the cause of God is a martyr”۔

(c) Sympathetic War:

Whenever a Muslim living in a non-Muslim country seeks the help of another Muslim country against their tyrant ruler, such War is allowed.

(d) Punitive Wars:

Wars that are waged about the following are allowed in the religion Islam.

  • Against apostasy
  • Breach of Covenant
  • The WWar Against Hypocrisy



(1) Internal Jihad:

It means strengthening and keeping peace within the country. when evil powers are trying to disturb the peace, e.g. to fight against lawlessness, smuggling, and other social evils۔

(2) Fiqri Jihad:

By fiqri Jihad, changes are brought into the minds of others. When enemies of Islam attack the religion, it is Muslims’ duty to contradict such propaganda in the light of the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

(3) Mussalah Jihad:

When fiqri Jihad is not successful, then mussalah Jihad is the best means to be applied against the enemies of Islam.



Jihad is waged in the following three ways.

(a) Jihad-bil-mal:

Since he cannot participate physically, any person who contributes financially to launch Jihad is called “Jihad-bil-mal.” Such Jihad is Farz-ul-Ain and is more accessible than other Jihads.

(b) Jihad-bil-Nafas:

It means to fight the enemy personally. This is the best way of Jihad and is preferable to any other type.

(c) Jihad-bil-Illam:

In the modern world, this type of Jihad carries a lot of importance. If a person contributes his abilities to the service and spread of Islam, he works for Islam’s glory through his actions, knowledge, and deeds.



Following are the acts which are permitted in Jihad.

  1. If the enemy is absent, an ambush may be laid for him. He may be besieged if he is present yet out of reach.
  2. Recourse might be had toruses.
  3. The enemy might have had toruses,
  4. Enemy might be attacked with all kinds of weapons
  5. Night attacks.
  6. Propaganda
  7. Assassination, for diminishing greater bloodshed
  8. Enemy property may be destroyed or captured.
  9. The enemy’s Water supply may be cut off or made unusable in some other way.
  10. Food and fodder may be obtained from the enemy country
  11. Seizure of enemy.
  12. All kinds of weapons can be used.



Following are acts that are forbidden in Jihad.

  1. Unnecessary, cruel, and tortuous ways of killing.
  2. They are killing non-combatants.
  3. Mutilation of men as well as beasts.
  4. Treachery and perfidy
  5. Devastation, destruction of harvest, and cutting of trees are unnecessary.
  6. Unnecessary slaughtering of animals.
  7. Excess and wickedness
  8. They are killing enemy hostages.
  9. If they do not take part in actual fighting, they will kill peasants, traders, merchants, Contractors, and the like.
  10. I am burning of captured men and animals to death.
  11. Acts forbade under treaties.
  12. Rape.
  13. Adultery and fornication.
  14. Massacre
  15. Decapacitating prisoners of War.
  16. You are severing the heads to show to the ruler.



Jihad, in the technology of law, is used for expanding liability and power in a fight in the path of Allah using life, property, tongue, and other things. In Jihad, everything not prohibited is permissible; it is the general rule of Islam in Jihad.




Jehad is waged not for expansions of the Muslim State; the motives behind it have a much larger canvas and scope. Explain it briefly.


Islam has ordained specific guiding principles during War(Jehad). Please explain and compare the same with modern time wars.

(2019-A five years)

Jehad is a synonym of War but differs from wars imposed by imperial powers whereby general massacre of non-combatants is permissible with weapons of mass destruction. Kindly explain what acts are acceptable during Jehad and what are not?


Jehad is primarily a law of War often misunderstood by modern thinkers. Kindly explain it, elucidating the treatment given to Prisoners of War.


Define and discuss the concept and theory of Jehad (War) in the light of Islamic International Law.



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