Social Contract Theory | Philosophy of Law


INTRODUCTION Social contract theory is a compelling political and moral concept that seeks to explain the origin and legitimacy of Government. It was developed by influential thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. This theory says that individuals willingly enter a mutual agreement, or social contract, to form a society and establish … Read more

Probation and Parole System in Pakistan


Introduction When a criminal commits an offence, there are two ways to treat him. One method punishes him, while the other rehabilitates him using specific techniques. These are Probation and Parole, respectively. Probation and Parole are two techniques that are used to rehabilitate offenders. In these techniques, the offenders are released from prison on some … Read more

What is an Expository Essay | Step by Step

Expository Essay

INTRODUCTION Expository essays are a common form of academic writing you will likely encounter during your education. These essays aim to make you explore a specific topic, analyze Evidence, and present a balanced argument or explanation. Excelling in expository essays can significantly impact your exam performance, as they require critical thinking, effective organization, and clear … Read more

Legal Positivism | Philosophy of Law


BACKGROUND Legal positivism is a legal theory that holds the validity and legitimacy of laws. It is determined by their enactment by recognized governmental authorities. At various times and places, “Jurists have made their approaches to studying law from different angles. They have defined law, determined its sources and nature, and discussed its purpose and … Read more

Organized Crime | Types and Criminology


Introduction Organized crime is a particular type of crime mainly committed by national, transnational, and local groups of highly centralized enterprises. These people mostly commit crimes for money or for the sake of some profit. Organized criminals are mainly in the form of groups and gangs. Such types of organized groups or teams are also … Read more

What is a Sentence | Structure and Types

English LLB Part-1

WHAT IS A SENTENCE? A sentence is a group of words expressing a complete thought. A sentence must be grammatically correct. A sentence contains a subject and a predicate. The issue is the person, place, thing, or idea. The ruling is about,t, and the predicate is the verb that tells what the subject is doing or … Read more

Rule of Law | A Reality or a Myth?


INTRODUCTION The rule of Law was popularised in the late nineteenth century. A fundamental principle of the English Constitution is the rule of Law. This doctrine is accepted in the Constitution of Pakistan Under Articles 4 & 25.   CROSS-REFERENCE Article 4825 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 English Constitution American Constitution   MEANING OF … Read more

Crime as a Social Problem | Criminology


Introduction Crime is an unlawful activity that a person commits against the interests of the public or society. The person who commits the crime is liable to punishment by law according to the nature of the crime committed. Hence, crime is an unlawful act that is harmful to society and also to its inhabitants.   … Read more

What are Direct and Indirect Sentences

English LLB Part-1

INTRODUCTION Direct and indirect sentences, also known as direct and indirect speech or reported speech, are two different ways of writing or expressing what someone else has said. In a direct sentence, the speaker reports what was said, word for word. In an indirect sentence, the speaker reports the same information but does not use … Read more

Constitution of Pakistan 1956 and Its Failure

Pakistan Studies

INTRODUCTION The Constitution of Pakistan, 1956, was an important document framed after a lengthy discussion, confusion, and effort. The making of the Constitution was a historical event that changed Pakistan’s internal and external image. The Constitution also ended an era of constitutional and public frustration in Pakistan.   MEANING OF CONSTITUTION According to Black’s Law … Read more

White-Collar Crime and Street Crimes


Introduction White-Collar crime is a particular type of crime that is mostly committed by business people, government officials, entrepreneurs, and professionals. These people enjoy a high social position in society and deceive people through bribery, fraud, and cybercrimes.   Literal Meaning “A nonviolent crime involving cheating or dishonesty in commercial matters.”   Definition According to … Read more

How to Prepare Informal Letters for Exams

English LLB Part-1

INTRODUCTION An informal letter is a type of personal communication written in an informal or conversational style. It is usually written to a friend, family member, or someone you know well. Informal letters are characterized by their casual tone, relaxed language, and absence of strict rules and regulations. They are used to express personal thoughts, … Read more

Constitution of Pakistan 1962 and Its Features

Pakistan Studies

INTRODUCTION Ayub Khan took oath as President of Pakistan on 18″ February 1960. Soon after, he formed a ten-member constituent Committee. The committee developed a constitutional script. Ayub Khan, as President of Pakistan, approved and implemented this. The constitutional hand was, therefore, formed. This was a presidential constitution. It had 250 clauses, five headings, and … Read more

Formal Letter | Improve Your Communication Skills

English LLB Part-1

INTRODUCTION A formal letter is a type of written communication used in professional settings to convey information, request action or provide instructions. They are often used in business, academic, and government contexts. Formal letters are typically written in a serious and professional tone and follow a specific format.   How to Recognize a Formal Letter? … Read more

World Legal Systems: A Comprehensive Guide

Legal System

Introduction Legal systems, often seen as intricate webs of rules and regulations, are the guiding frameworks that shape societies and maintain order. While they may seem complex at first glance, our goal in this article is to demystify the world of legal systems, making them easily understandable using straightforward language and clear explanations. We’ll delve … Read more

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