Criminology | Nature and Scope | Sociology


Introduction Criminology is an interdisciplinary science. It involves behavioural and biological sciences such as Anthropology, Biology, Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Psychiatry, and Political science. It also includes the police sciences such as Criminal law, public administration, victimology, ethics, and penology. Criminology is the entire body of knowledge regarding the causes and prevention of Crime. It also … Read more

All India Muslim League and its Objectives

Pakistan Studies

BACKGROUND Muslim League was created because the Muslims had to bear the oppression and torture of the Britishers due to their lack of organization and unity. The Muslims were bound to have a well-established organization to avoid British pressure in the future.   PREFACE After the War of Independence, establishing the Indian National Congress was … Read more

Juvenile Delinquency and Court System


Introduction Juvenile delinquency is an act in which a person less than the age of 18 years participates in unlawful and illegal behaviour or activities. Juvenile crimes mainly vary from status offences to property crimes.   Relevant Provisions Section 4 of the Juvenile Justice System Act 2018 deals with Juvenile Delinquency.   Meaning Juvenile delinquency … Read more

Shah Waliullah and his Contributions


Introduction Shah Waliullah was a great Muslim thinker and scholar of the 18th century during the declining years of the Mughal Empire. There was a political disorder in the sub-continent in those days. He was greatly impressed by the subcontinent’s rotten political, social, and religious conditions.  He supported the movements for Islamic Independence in India … Read more

Nehru Report | Reaction of Muslims

Pakistan Studies

BACKGROUND The Nehru report was presented in an answer to the information submitted by the Simon Commission. In November 1927, the British Government appointed a statutory commission headed by Sir John Simon to inquire into the constitutional affairs of the country. Indian peCommissionple did not welcome this Commission because all the members were English, and … Read more

Allama Ibn-e-Khaldun | Contributions


Introduction Allama Ibn-e-Khaldun was born in Tunis. He learned The Holy Quran and Hadees and Fiqh by heart and devotion. He is known for his contributions to the history of the cultural life of Barber Tribes.   Founder of Ilmul-Imran Allama Ibn-e-Khaldun laid the foundation of a new science called Ilmul-Imran. This science served as … Read more

Allama Iqbal’s Address at Allahabad

Pakistan Studies

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Allama Iqbal, a poet and philosopher, discussed India’s problem knowledgeably and rationally. He discussed the Islamic philosophic character in moulding a personality in length and then gave the solution to the Hindu-Muslim problem in India. In his address, he discussed the role of Islam in India.   PREFACE Allama Iqbal delivered his historical … Read more

Natural Law Theory | Philosophy of Law


INTRODUCTION Natural law philosophy has occupied an important place in politics, Law, religion, and ethics from the earliest times. It has played the role of harmonizing and synthesizing. It promotes peace and justice in different periods, protecting the public against injustice, tyranny, and misrule and commending the function of natural Law in liberating people from … Read more

How to Write a Narrative Essay | Step by Step

INTRODUCTION Storytelling is an art that is further polished and enhanced by narrative essays. Narrative essays offer a platform for students to express their creativity, develop storytelling skills, and engage readers. By understanding the structure, essential elements, and techniques discussed in this article, students can master the art of writing compelling narrative essays for their … Read more

The Congress Ministeries (1937-1939)

Pakistan Studies

BACKGROUND The political manifestos of both parties were almost identical, although there were two significant differences. Congress stood for the joint electorate, and the Muslim League for separate electorates. Congress wanted Hindi as the official language with Deva Nagri writing script, while the Muslim league wanted Urdu with Persian calligraphy.   PREFACE The Government of … Read more

What is Critical Theory | Philosophy of Law


HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Critical theory is a philosophical and social framework that aims to understand and critique oppressive power structures in society. It examines the relationship between power, culture, and social inequality, focusing on how dominant ideologies maintain and perpetuate systems of injustice to foster social transformation and liberation.   INTRODUCTION The term “critical theory” was … Read more

Emile Durkheim | Theories and Contributions


Introduction Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist, scholar, thinker, professor, and writer of the 19th century. He was born in 1858. He acknowledged August Comte as his master. He used to say that sociology should also follow the scientific method. Biography Emile Durkheim was a bright student in college and won several prizes. He was … Read more

What is a Descriptive Essay | Step by Step

INTRODUCTION Descriptive essays are a powerful tool for expressing vivid details and creating a sensory experience for readers. Whether you’re describing a person, place, object, or event, mastering writing a descriptive essay can significantly enhance your storytelling skills. This article will explore the key elements and techniques required to excel in descriptive writing. By the … Read more

How to Write an Argumentative Essay

INTRODUCTION Argumentative essays are a fundamental component of academic writing. It tests your ability to formulate a persuasive argument and provide evidence to support your claims. Whether preparing for an exam or seeking to enhance your essay writing skills, this article will provide a step-by-step guide on equipping argumentative essays for exams, empowering you to … Read more

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