What are Direct and Indirect Sentences


Direct and indirect sentences, also known as direct and indirect speech or reported speech, are two different ways of writing or expressing what someone else has said.

In a direct sentence, the speaker reports what was said, word for word.

In an indirect sentence, the speaker reports the same information but does not use the exact words that were spoken.



Direct sentences report someone’s words exactly as spoken or written, using quotation marks to enclose the statement.

For example, John said, “I am going to the store.”



Indirect sentences report someone’s words indirectly, without using their exact words, and typically without quotation marks. A reporting verb (e.g., said, told, asked) usually introduces the written statement and often changes verb tense, pronouns, and other elements.

For example, John said that he was going to the store.



To recognize direct and indirect sentences, it’s essential to look at the sentence structure and the use of reporting verbs.


Direct sentences use quotation marks and reporting verbs such as “said,” “told,” and “asked” to indicate that the speaker is repeating exactly what was said. For example, In the following sentence, John is reporting exactly what was said, using quotation marks to show that he is repeating the words.

Direct: “I will meet you at the park,” said John.


Indirect sentences, on the other hand, do not use quotation marks and often use reporting verbs such as “said that,” “told me that,” or “asked if” to write what was said. For example, In the following sentence, John’s words are reported indirectly, without quotation marks. The reporting verb “said” is followed by the actual words spoken, but they are not in quotation marks.

Indirect: John said that he would meet me at the park.



When preparing for exams, here are some tips to help you with direct and indirect sentences:

1. Understand the Rules

Familiarize yourself with the rules and patterns for transforming direct sentences into indirect sentences. Pay attention to changes in verb tense, pronouns, adverbs of time and place, and other relevant elements.

2. Practice Transforming Sentences

Take some direct sentences and practice transforming them into indirect sentences. Start with simple examples and gradually move to more complex ones.

3. Focus on Reporting Verbs

Learn different reporting verbs that are commonly used to introduce indirect speech. Understand how the choice of reporting verb affects the structure and meaning of the sentence.

4. Study Examples

Study examples of direct and indirect sentences to better understand their structure and usage. Analyze the changes that occur in each transformation.

5. Use Context

When transforming direct sentences into indirect sentences, consider the Context of the reported statement. Pay attention to time expressions, pronouns, and other elements requiring adjustments.

6. Review and Revise

After practising, review your work and revise any mistakes or areas that need improvement. Understand the reasons behind the changes you made.



Direct and indirect sentences are two ways of expressing the same information in English. To recognize them, you must examine the sentence structure and reporting verbs. Paying attention to the Context and purpose of the sentence and practising using them in your writing will also help you become proficient in using direct and indirect sentences in English.

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