Causes of Crime | Ways of Prevention | Criminology


Crime is an unlawful activity a person commits against the public or society’s interests. The person who commits the crime is liable to punishment by law according to the nature of the crime committed. Hence, crime is an unlawful act that is harmful to society and also to its inhabitants.

Cross Reference

Sections 11, 44, 189, 190, and 385 of the PPC 1860 deal with crime.

Literal Meaning

Crime means all the activities that involve the breaking of the law.


 “An action or omission which contains an offence and is punishable by law.”

According to Sir James Stephen:

“Crime is an act which is prohibited by the law of the land as well as by the Moral Values of the society.”


Most Common Causes of Crime

Crime somehow originated from society, and society is responsible for committing the crime to some extent. However, the causes of crime are discussed in detail below.

1. Illiteracy

Illiteracy is a significant factor that instils an individual to commit a crime.

The literacy rate in developing countries is meagre. The young students cannot get jobs on time, so they are attracted to crime.

2. Faulty Educational System

Unluckily, the educational system that provides the base for the development of any country is not fulfilling its duties.

The current educational system cannot impart good values to the students, such as having good character and morality, which is a core force to maintain a continuous check on crime.

3. Unemployment

Employment opportunities are not enough in our country. Due to the absence of employment opportunities, young people cannot get jobs, and their interest is automatically diverted toward criminal activities.

4. Poverty

Poverty is the state where one lacks a socially acceptable amount of money. Poverty exists when people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs.

The Government must not neglect people in need, and a proper solution must be practised to distribute wealth among the people to eliminate poverty.

It would not be wrong to say that it is the root cause of many crimes directly or indirectly.

Poverty results in prostitution, adopting illegal means, dacoity, robbery, extortion, corruption, and suicide.

5. Hunger

A lot of people commit crimes only due to hunger. Such people mostly steal food to satisfy their needs. The problem of hunger is increasing day by day in our society.

For example, in Africa, people were forced to commit crimes due to hunger.

6. Corruption

Corruption is becoming a common evil in society as society is becoming more advanced with the advent of time.

Every department is affected by this dangerous virus, which is growing its roots very fast. The most affected by corruption are the Police Department and Revenue Department.

7. Inequality Before the law

Society mainly observes that the law does not treat people equally. The influential people are given privileges and treated above the law. On the other hand, the poor and weak people are forced to obey the law, and often, they are punished even if they are not criminals.

The influential people do not fear the law and commit crimes freely. There is no one to stop or prohibit them. This is one of the main reasons for the commission of the crime.

8. Absence of Rule of Law

It is a famous quote;

“Where there is no rule of law, there is no justice.”

The rule of law does not prevail in our society. The reason is that rich people are inactive.

9. Absence of Proper Police System

The primary purpose of the police is to provide safety to the public against crime and to maintain peace in society. But in our community, the situation is the opposite.

Mostly, the police threaten the victim from taking any legal action and go in favour of the offender.

Thana Culture exists in society, and the police do not perform their function as expected. So, People find it easy to commit crimes due to the weak police system.

10. Discrimination in Society

Discrimination is found in society based on race, gender, and colour. Still, in the 21st century, capitalism and feudalism exist in the country, giving rise to long-term discrimination among the rich and poor.

As a result, people commit crimes to satisfy their interests.

11. Lack of Health Facilities

Better health facilities are unavailable in our country compared to other developed countries. The patient dies in the hospital due to the lack of better hospitalization. The patient’s heirs become mentally pressured and grow a spirit of revenge. In consequence, they commit crimes.

12. Lack of Guidance for Teenagers

Young people are the backbone of society. The reason is that they have energy, power, and enthusiasm at peak levels. There must be a system of proper guidance for teenagers to use their energy in the right place.

Unfortunately, young people are not guided on the right path and mostly get into severe crimes such as kidnapping, robbery, drug abuse, and smuggling.

All this is due to the absence of a proper system to guide young people.

13. Ineffective Role of Media

Though media has benefitted the world a lot, its harmful effects also go side by side.

In committing a crime, the media has also played a unique role. Unethical and violent films are cast upon the DISH and CABLE networks. This corrupt content greatly influences young people. Young people practice what they have seen in bad movies and commit crimes.

Need to Prevent Crime?

A society is based on some specific patterns. Crimes disturb these established patterns of organization. So, there is a need to prevent crime.


How to Prevent the Happening of Crime

Crime prevention means trying to prevent the commission of a crime and threaten the criminals from committing crimes. Governmental authorities can play an essential role in the prevention of crime. Various steps can be adopted for this purpose.

Various methods can prevent crime. They are discussed below.

1. By establishing an Independent Judiciary

2. By establishing the Rule of Law

3. By proper distribution of lands

4. By creating healthy recreational opportunities

5. By Improving Parent’s Role

6. By eliminating illiteracy

7. By providing jobs on merit

8. By reducing Poverty

9. By making a proper court system

10. Having a proper police system

11. By improving social welfare institutions

12. The reformation of educational institutions

13. By proper distribution of resources

14. The reformation of the prison system

15. By imposing a juvenile justice system



Crime is the violation of the rights of one person by another person. At the same time, crime prevention is the attempt to reduce crime and prevent criminals from committing crimes. However, Crime is prevented by adopting various methods.

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