Administration of Justice | English Jurisprudence


INTRODUCTION Administration of Justice is the permanent necessity of society and the primary function of the State. It is the civilized substitute for private vengeance and retribution. If any state cannot perform these two functions, it cannot be called a state. Administration of Justice is the maintenance of rights within a political community using the … Read more

Summary and Precis Writing | English Grammar

English LLB Part-2

INTRODUCTION Summary and precis writing are essential skills that are commonly tested in exams. These skills involve condensing lengthy passages or articles into concise, coherent, and objective summaries while retaining the necessary information. This article aims to provide a detailed understanding of summary and precis writing and practical techniques to prepare for exams.   What … Read more

Legislation | English Jurisprudence


INTRODUCTION Legislation refers to making or enacting laws by a governing body, such as a parliament or congress. It involves creating, amending, or repealing laws to regulate various aspects of society, including governance, commerce, social issues, and public behaviour. Legislation is crucial in establishing legal frameworks and promoting orderly and fair management.   MEANING OF … Read more

Conditionals in English | Grammar

English LLB Part-2

INTRODUCTION Conditional sentences are a sentence structure in English grammar that expresses a relationship between two events or situations. The first event or situation is called the condition, and the second event or situation is the result or consequence.   EXAMPLES OF CONDITIONAL SENTENCES There are four central conditionals in English grammar, each with its … Read more

Precedents | English Jurisprudence


INTRODUCTION Judicial precedents are an essential source of law. They have enjoyed high authority at all times and in all countries. In the broadest sense, a precedent means a previous decision. A judicial precedent contains itself a principle of law. A judicial precedent is a legal scene of law and speaks with authority.   MEANING … Read more

Common Errors in English | Grammar

English LLB Part-2

INTRODUCTION Common errors in English grammar are widespread mistakes that often occur due to incorrect usage of tenses, subject-verb agreement, articles, prepositions, pronouns, and punctuation. These errors can lead to confusion, lack of clarity, and miscommunication. Understanding and addressing these common grammar mistakes are essential for improving overall language proficiency and conveying thoughts accurately in … Read more

Sovereignty in Islam | Islamic Jurisprudence

Islamic Jurisprudence

INTRODUCTION Sovereignty in Islam refers to the ultimate authority and power belonging to Allah, the one God, as expressed through the guidance of the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).   MEANING OF SOVEREIGNTY According to Webster’s Dictionary: “Sovereignty is the quality or state of being autonomous, exalted, unlimited in … Read more

Customs and their Essentials | English Jurisprudence


INTRODUCTION Customs are government regulations and procedures that control the flow of goods and people across international borders. They involve the collection of duties and taxes, the enforcement of import and export restrictions, and the prevention of illegal activities such as smuggling and trafficking.   MEANING OF CUSTOM Custom means a practice that has come … Read more

Transitive and Intransitive Verb | Grammar

English LLB Part-2

INTRODUCTION In English grammar, verbs are vital in conveying action, states, or occurrences. They form the backbone of a sentence, allowing us to express our thoughts and ideas effectively. Verbs can be classified into various categories, and one crucial classification is based on their transitivity. Transitive and intransitive verbs help us understand how the action … Read more

Punctuation Marks in English | Grammar

English LLB Part-2

INTRODUCTION Punctuation marks play a crucial role in English grammar as they help convey meaning, indicate pauses, and clarify the structure of sentences. They enhance the readability and comprehension of written texts. I will explain the different punctuation marks in detail in this comprehensive article, providing at least five examples for each case. 1. The … Read more

Contract in Islamic Law | Islamic Jurisprudence

Islamic Jurisprudence

INTRODUCTION An agreement turns into a contract when it becomes enforceable at law. A contract is usually an exchange of promises between two or maybe more persons. In Islamic law, contract rules are stringent; fairness and equality have to be upheld, and its condition is performance.   DEFINITION OF CONTRACT The corresponding Arabic term for … Read more

Substantive and Procedural law | English Jurisprudence


INTRODUCTION The body of law in a State consists of substantive and procedural law. The former prescribes those rules of Civil conduct which declare the rights and duties of all subject to the law. The latter relates to the remedial agencies and procedures by which rights are maintained; their invasion redressed, and the methods by … Read more

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