Revenue Officers | Land Revenue Act

Special & Local Laws

INTRODUCTION Classes of revenue officers are mentioned under section 7 of Land Revenue Act 1967. The Land Revenue Act describes appointment, power duties and functions of all classes of revenue officers. The board of revenue has administrative control in revenue matters all over a province. Board of Revenue controls and supervises revenue officer to whom … Read more

Who is Lambardar | Land Revenue Act

Special & Local Laws

INTRODUCTION The headman of a village community is called Lambardar. He is appointed by the District Revenue officer/District Collector in a village. The duties of Lambardar are to collect and supervise the collection of revenue of an estate. He is the representative of the village community and a link between the government and the public. … Read more

Record of Rights | Land Revenue Act

Special & Local Laws

INTRODUCTION The record of rights is a collection of various revenue papers regarding an estate. Records of rights provide various information about a particular land. The assessment of land revenue payable, and disputes regarding land are determined in the light of determination Inland matters, the presumption of truth attached to the entries in the record … Read more

Question As To Title | Land Revenue Act

Special & Local Laws

INTRODUCTION Revenue Officers have immense authority in respect of revenue matters, there is, however, a restriction imposed upon them by law that they cannot adjudicate upon matters where a “question of title” is involved.   RELEVANT PROVISIONS Section 140 of the Land Revenue Act necessitates the ascertainment of the question as to title by the … Read more

Review How Made | Land Revenue Act

Special & Local Laws

INTRODUCTION Under Land Revenue Act 1967, the review is not an alternative for appeal. The Revenue authorities are empowered to review their orders. The review is a re-consideration of the sanctity of the order passed by the revenue authorities.   RELEVANT PROVISIONS Section 163 Land Revenue Act 1967.   MEANING OF REVIEW The term review … Read more

Right of Pre-Emption | Features and Purposes

Special & Local Laws

INTRODUCTION The technical Arabic term for its Anglo-Mohammedan equivalent “pre-emption” is “SHUFAA”, which literally means “adding” or “preference”. Pre-emption is village communities in British India and its origin in the Mohammedan Law as to pre-emption and was apparently unknown in India before the time of the Mughal rulers. In the course of time, customs of … Read more

Right of Pre-Emption | Who can Claim?

Special & Local Laws

INTRODUCTION The technical Arabic term for its Anglo-Mohammedan equivalent “pre-emption is SHUFAA which literally means “adding” or “preference”. The persons entitled to claim or exercise the right of pre-emption are mentioned under the Punjab Preemption Act 1991. However, every person has no right to pre-emption. This right arises only on a complete sale. RELEVANT PROVISIONS … Read more

Determination of Market Value | Pre-Emption Act

Special & Local Laws

INTRODUCTION Section 27 Under Punjab Pre-emption Act, 1991 empowered to Court to determine the market value of the property. The sound guidelines for the determination of the market value of the property describes in section 28 of this Act.   RELEVANT PROVISIONS Sections 27, 28 of Punjab Pre-emption Act, 1991.   LITERAL MEANING The price … Read more

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