Free Consent | The Contract Act 1872

Law of Contract

Preface Free consent means a voluntary agreement by a person. That person must possess and exercise sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent choice to do something proposed by another person.   Relevant Provisions Sections 14, 19, and 20 of the Contract Act, of 1872 deal with free consent.   Definition of the term “Consent” … Read more

Crime and Its Causes | Criminal Law

Criminal Law

INTRODUCTION Crime is such a phenomenon that has affected all societies throughout history. Crime takes many forms, including assault, fraud, and drug trafficking. Criminologists always try to understand the root causes of crime, including the social, economic, and psychological factors that contribute to criminal behavior. Despite efforts to reduce crime, it remained a significant challenge … Read more

General Defenses in Torts | Law of Torts

General Defenses in Torts

INTRODUCTION Defenses in torts are an important concept. There are some conditions that, when present, will prevent an act from being wrongful which in their absence would be wrong. In an action in tort, when the plaintiff proves the essential elements of the tort, the defendant may avoid general defenses or exceptions to liability in … Read more

Coercion in Contract | The Contract Act 1872

Law of Contract

Preface Coercion in a contract refers to the use of force, threats, or undue influence to compel someone into entering or modifying a contractual agreement against their free will. It undermines the voluntary nature of contracts and renders them legally unenforceable.   Relevant Provisions Sections 15, and 19 of the Contract Act, of 1872 deal … Read more

Common Intention and Common Object | PPC, 1860

Criminal Law

INTRODUCTION Common intention and common object are legal terms used to determine the liability of individuals involved in a criminal act. Common intention refers to a mutual understanding between two or more individuals to commit a crime together. Common object refers to the shared objective or purpose behind the criminal act. RELEVANT PROVISIONS Sections 34, … Read more

Defamation and Privilege | Law of Torts

Defamation and Privilege

INTRODUCTION Defamation means to hurt someone’s reputation which every person has an inborn right to enjoy and to make sure that this right is not violated. If therefore, a person makes a statement either orally or in writing and hurts another person’s reputation, he will be considered to have committed a tort and liable for … Read more

Undue Influence | The Contract Act 1872

Law of Contract

Preface Undue influence is a legal term that affects the nature of a contract and makes it voidable at the option of the aggrieved party.   Relevant Provisions Section 16 of the Contract Act 1872 deals with undue influence.   Definition of Undue Influence Section 16 defines undue influence as follows A contract is said … Read more

Nuisance and its Kinds | Law of Torts

Nuisance and its Kinds

INTRODUCTION Nuisance is the violation of a man’s inborn right that his senses may not be injured. Every man has this right to enjoy the pleasure of life. If this right is infringed or obstructed, it will be called a nuisance.   ORIGIN OF NUISANCE The word “Nuisance” is derived from the French word “nuire” … Read more

Maintenance | Muslim Personal Law

Muslim Personal Law

INTRODUCTION Under Islamic law, the husband is bound to maintain his wife. The woman in Islam is exempted from any financial earning liability. She is entitled to maintenance under Islamic law.   RELEVANT PROVISIONS Section 369 of Muhammadan Law   LITERAL MEANING Literally, the term maintenance means food, clothing, and lodging. In the Arabic Language, … Read more

Misrepresentation | The Contract Act 1872

Law of Contract

Preface Misrepresentation is a false statement that the person making it honestly believed to be true, or that he does not know to be false.   Relevant Provisions Sections 18 and 19 of the Contract Act, of 1872 deal with misrepresentation.   Definition Misrepresentation is to say a misleading statement to someone. However, Section 18 … Read more

Abetment | Pakistan Penal Code, 1860

Criminal Law

INTRODUCTION Abetment is a separate and distinct offence provided the thing abetted is an offence. It is an independent crime, i.e. to say that abetment does not in itself involve the actual commission of the crime abetted. It is a crime apart.   RELEVANT PROVISIONS Sections 107 to 120 of P.P.C. 1860 deal with abetment. … Read more

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