Theories of Punishment | Criminal Law

Criminal Law

INTRODUCTION Theories of punishment have been propounded by various jurists at different ages of time. An authentic theory in this regard has been a subject of debate for many centuries. With time, various theories have been proposed with special reference to contemporary legal systems. Each theory has its own particular merits and demerits.   DEFINITION … Read more

Crime and Its Causes | Criminal Law

Criminal Law

INTRODUCTION Crime is such a phenomenon that has affected all societies throughout history. Crime takes many forms, including assault, fraud, and drug trafficking. Criminologists always try to understand the root causes of crime, including the social, economic, and psychological factors that contribute to criminal behavior. Despite efforts to reduce crime, it remained a significant challenge … Read more

Common Intention and Common Object | PPC, 1860

Criminal Law

INTRODUCTION Common intention and common object are legal terms used to determine the liability of individuals involved in a criminal act. Common intention refers to a mutual understanding between two or more individuals to commit a crime together. Common object refers to the shared objective or purpose behind the criminal act. RELEVANT PROVISIONS Sections 34, … Read more

Abetment | Pakistan Penal Code, 1860

Criminal Law

INTRODUCTION Abetment is a separate and distinct offence provided the thing abetted is an offence. It is an independent crime, i.e. to say that abetment does not in itself involve the actual commission of the crime abetted. It is a crime apart.   RELEVANT PROVISIONS Sections 107 to 120 of P.P.C. 1860 deal with abetment. … Read more

Criminal Conspiracy | Pakistan Penal Code, 1860

Criminal Law

INTRODUCTION Criminal conspiracy means banding together for an evil purpose. No physical activity needs to be proven to have been done in pursuance of the conspiracy for holding a person liable under it. However, the mere manifestation of the criminal intent through criminal conspiracy is enough.   RELEVANT PROVISIONS Sections 120A, 120B(1) and 120B(2) of … Read more

Defamation | Pakistan Penal Code, 1860

Criminal Law

INTRODUCTION Defamation refers to the act of making false statements that harm the reputation of an individual or entity. It involves spreading falsehoods through spoken or written communication, such as slander (spoken defamation) or libel (written defamation). Defamation can result in serious legal consequences, as it infringes upon a person’s right to a good name … Read more

Theft Liable to Hadd | Hudood Laws

Criminal Law

INTRODUCTION Theft, liable to Hadd is included in The Offences Against Property (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance, 1979. It is the modification of the existing laws against property in order to bring the commission of certain offences within the injunctions of Islam. It is also known as Sarka.   RELEVANT PROVISIONS Sections 4 to 14 of … Read more

Drinking Liable to Hadd | Hudood Laws

Criminal Law

INTRODUCTION The offences regarding drinking are covered in Prohibition (Enforcement of Hadd) Order, 1979. Drinking is the taking of any kind of intoxicant. Normally, drinking results in unconsciousness so it is prohibited in Islam.   RELEVANT PROVISIONS Articles 6 to 13 of the Prohibition (Enforcement of Hadd) order, 1979 Cross Reference. Article 203C of the … Read more

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