Fundamental Rights | Constitution of Pakistan

Constitution of Pakistan 1973

INTRODUCTION Fundamental Rights are the basic rights of the citizens In the constitution of 1973 the list of Fundamental rights has been given. Every democratic state recognizes the fundamental rights of its citizens. Such rights cannot be suspended or vanished due to constitutional guarantee, other than if the state itself is in danger.   RELEVANT … Read more

Right of Fair Trial | Constitution of Pakistan

Constitution of Pakistan 1973

INTRODUCTION A fair trial ensures impartial judgment, legal rights protection, evidence presentation, and a competent defense, fostering justice and due process. The constitution 1973 of Pakistan has guaranteed the fundamental rights in part II, Chapter 1. The Constitution has given the right to be protected by law to every citizen and has imposed upon them … Read more

Election of President | Constitution of Pakistan

Constitution of Pakistan 1973

INTRODUCTION The constitution of 1973 is partly parliamentary and partly presidential in nature. The president is a symbol of the unity of Pakistan He is elected by the Provincial Assemblies as well as the National Assembly. The president is constitutionally required to act on the advice of the Prime Minister’s cabinet, but such advice ought … Read more

Members of Parliament | Constitution of Pakistan

Constitution of Pakistan 1973

INTRODUCTION Members of parliament (MPs) are elected representatives who make and pass laws, represent constituents, debate policies, oversee government actions, and participate in legislative processes, ensuring checks and balances in the democratic governance of a country.   COMPOSITION OF PARLIAMENT There shall be a Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) of Pakistan consisting of the President and Houses to … Read more

Agreement and Contract | The Contract Act 1872

Law of Contract

AGREEMENT Introduction An agreement is a mutual understanding between two or more persons about their relative rights and duties regarding past or future performances; a manifestation of mutual assent by two or more persons.   Definition Section 2(e) of the Contract Act defines an Agreement as follows; An agreement is every promise and every set … Read more

Theories of Punishment | Criminal Law

Criminal Law

INTRODUCTION Theories of punishment have been propounded by various jurists at different ages of time. An authentic theory in this regard has been a subject of debate for many centuries. With time, various theories have been proposed with special reference to contemporary legal systems. Each theory has its own particular merits and demerits.   DEFINITION … Read more

Consideration in Contract | The Contract Act, 1872

Preface Consideration is something in return for something. In the eyes of the law, consideration means some rights, interests, or benefits accruing to one party and certain responsibilities undertaken by the other.   Relevant Provisions Sections 2(d), 23, 24, 25, 127, and 185 of the Contract Act, of 1872 deal with consideration in a contract. … Read more

Damages and Remedies | Law of Torts

Damages and Remedies

INTRODUCTION Damages are Remedies are some important concepts in Tort Law. two types of remedies are available to the victim of a tort. They are classified into the following two categories (a) Judicial Remedies and (b) Extra-Judicial remedies. Damagés and injunctions are merely two different forms of remedies against the same wrong. The third remedy … Read more

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