Imperative Theory of Law | English Jurisprudence


INTRODUCTION The imperative theory is a perspective in ethics that suggests moral principles are derived from authoritative commands or imperatives. It argues that ethical obligations are based on the authority of a ruler or a divine power rather than on intrinsic moral properties or consequences.   MEANING OF JURISPRUDENCE Jurisprudence is the name given to … Read more

Administration of Justice | English Jurisprudence


INTRODUCTION Administration of Justice is the permanent necessity of society and the primary function of the State. It is the civilized substitute for private vengeance and retribution. If any state cannot perform these two functions, it cannot be called a state. Administration of Justice is the maintenance of rights within a political community using the … Read more

Legislation | English Jurisprudence


INTRODUCTION Legislation refers to making or enacting laws by a governing body, such as a parliament or congress. It involves creating, amending, or repealing laws to regulate various aspects of society, including governance, commerce, social issues, and public behaviour. Legislation is crucial in establishing legal frameworks and promoting orderly and fair management.   MEANING OF … Read more

Precedents | English Jurisprudence


INTRODUCTION Judicial precedents are an essential source of law. They have enjoyed high authority at all times and in all countries. In the broadest sense, a precedent means a previous decision. A judicial precedent contains itself a principle of law. A judicial precedent is a legal scene of law and speaks with authority.   MEANING … Read more

Customs and their Essentials | English Jurisprudence


INTRODUCTION Customs are government regulations and procedures that control the flow of goods and people across international borders. They involve the collection of duties and taxes, the enforcement of import and export restrictions, and the prevention of illegal activities such as smuggling and trafficking.   MEANING OF CUSTOM Custom means a practice that has come … Read more

Substantive and Procedural law | English Jurisprudence


INTRODUCTION The body of law in a State consists of substantive and procedural law. The former prescribes those rules of Civil conduct which declare the rights and duties of all subject to the law. The latter relates to the remedial agencies and procedures by which rights are maintained; their invasion redressed, and the methods by … Read more

Strict Liability | English Jurisprudence


INTRODUCTION Strict Liability offences are those for which a man is responsible, irrespective of wrongful intent or negligence. They are the exceptions to the general requirement of fault.   CONCEPT OF LIABILITY Liability implies the state of a person who has acted contrary to duty. Thus, Liability is the responsibility that befalls an offender when … Read more

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