Criminal Justice System in Pakistan


Introduction A society is a collection of individuals who always work for the community’s prosperity. For this purpose, the organization must have control over its members. Any individual who deviates from the established norms may threaten its welfare. This is possible through social Control and the criminal justice system. Social Control is a mechanism through … Read more

Criminology | Nature and Scope | Sociology


Introduction Criminology is an interdisciplinary science. It involves behavioural and biological sciences such as Anthropology, Biology, Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Psychiatry, and Political science. It also includes the police sciences such as Criminal law, public administration, victimology, ethics, and penology. Criminology is the entire body of knowledge regarding the causes and prevention of Crime. It also … Read more

Juvenile Delinquency and Court System


Introduction Juvenile delinquency is an act in which a person less than the age of 18 years participates in unlawful and illegal behaviour or activities. Juvenile crimes mainly vary from status offences to property crimes.   Relevant Provisions Section 4 of the Juvenile Justice System Act 2018 deals with Juvenile Delinquency.   Meaning Juvenile delinquency … Read more

Shah Waliullah and his Contributions


Introduction Shah Waliullah was a great Muslim thinker and scholar of the 18th century during the declining years of the Mughal Empire. There was a political disorder in the sub-continent in those days. He was greatly impressed by the subcontinent’s rotten political, social, and religious conditions.  He supported the movements for Islamic Independence in India … Read more

Allama Ibn-e-Khaldun | Contributions


Introduction Allama Ibn-e-Khaldun was born in Tunis. He learned The Holy Quran and Hadees and Fiqh by heart and devotion. He is known for his contributions to the history of the cultural life of Barber Tribes.   Founder of Ilmul-Imran Allama Ibn-e-Khaldun laid the foundation of a new science called Ilmul-Imran. This science served as … Read more

Emile Durkheim | Theories and Contributions


Introduction Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist, scholar, thinker, professor, and writer of the 19th century. He was born in 1858. He acknowledged August Comte as his master. He used to say that sociology should also follow the scientific method. Biography Emile Durkheim was a bright student in college and won several prizes. He was … Read more

Probation and Parole System in Pakistan


Introduction When a criminal commits an offence, there are two ways to treat him. One method punishes him, while the other rehabilitates him using specific techniques. These are Probation and Parole, respectively. Probation and Parole are two techniques that are used to rehabilitate offenders. In these techniques, the offenders are released from prison on some … Read more

Organized Crime | Types and Criminology


Introduction Organized crime is a particular type of crime mainly committed by national, transnational, and local groups of highly centralized enterprises. These people mostly commit crimes for money or for the sake of some profit. Organized criminals are mainly in the form of groups and gangs. Such types of organized groups or teams are also … Read more

Crime as a Social Problem | Criminology


Introduction Crime is an unlawful activity that a person commits against the interests of the public or society. The person who commits the crime is liable to punishment by law according to the nature of the crime committed. Hence, crime is an unlawful act that is harmful to society and also to its inhabitants.   … Read more

White-Collar Crime and Street Crimes


Introduction White-Collar crime is a particular type of crime that is mostly committed by business people, government officials, entrepreneurs, and professionals. These people enjoy a high social position in society and deceive people through bribery, fraud, and cybercrimes.   Literal Meaning “A nonviolent crime involving cheating or dishonesty in commercial matters.”   Definition According to … Read more

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