Ideology of Pakistan | Foundation of Belief

Pakistan Studies

PREFACE The ideology of Pakistan, in reality, is the Ideology of Islam. The life of any Nation is subject to either human Ideology or metaphysical Ideology. An ideology emerges when people feel strongly that they are being mistreated under an existing order when fundamental societal changes threaten their status and the prevailing Ideology no longer … Read more

Ideology of Pakistan and Views of Quaid e Azam

Pakistan Studies

PREFACE The ideology of Pakistan, in reality, is the ideology of Islam. The life of any Nation is subject to either human ideology or metaphysical ideology. An idealogy emerges when people feel strongly that they are being mistreated under an existing order, when their status is threatened by fundamental changes occurring in society, and when … Read more

Allama Iqbal and Ideology of Pakistan

Pakistan Studies

PREFACE The Ideology of Pakistan, in reality, is the Ideology of Islam. The life of any Nation is subject to either human Ideology or metaphysical Ideology. An ideology emerges when people feel strongly that they are being mistreated under an existing order when fundamental societal changes threaten their status and the prevailing Ideology no longer … Read more

Two Nation Theory and its Objectives

Pakistan Studies

PREFACE The two-nation theory was the basis of the struggle to create Pakistan, which held that Hindus and Muslims are separate nations. Even though they have lived together for centuries, they did not forget their cultures and civilization. In Kitab ul Hind, Alberuni has said, “The two societies, Hindus and Muslims, are like two streams … Read more

Shah Waliullah and his Contributions

Pakistan Studies

PREFACE In the British government, the candle of Islam was about to blow off in the presence of Hinduism, Christianity, and Sikhism. Still, Shah Waliullah dedicated his life to promoting Islam’s teachings and giving a new Islamic way of life. He made numerous efforts to put an end to the Sikh and Christian religions way. … Read more

All India Muslim League and its Objectives

Pakistan Studies

BACKGROUND Muslim League was created because the Muslims had to bear the oppression and torture of the Britishers due to their lack of organization and unity. The Muslims were bound to have a well-established organization to avoid British pressure in the future.   PREFACE After the War of Independence, establishing the Indian National Congress was … Read more

Nehru Report | Reaction of Muslims

Pakistan Studies

BACKGROUND The Nehru report was presented in an answer to the information submitted by the Simon Commission. In November 1927, the British Government appointed a statutory commission headed by Sir John Simon to inquire into the constitutional affairs of the country. Indian peCommissionple did not welcome this Commission because all the members were English, and … Read more

Allama Iqbal’s Address at Allahabad

Pakistan Studies

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Allama Iqbal, a poet and philosopher, discussed India’s problem knowledgeably and rationally. He discussed the Islamic philosophic character in moulding a personality in length and then gave the solution to the Hindu-Muslim problem in India. In his address, he discussed the role of Islam in India.   PREFACE Allama Iqbal delivered his historical … Read more

The Congress Ministeries (1937-1939)

Pakistan Studies

BACKGROUND The political manifestos of both parties were almost identical, although there were two significant differences. Congress stood for the joint electorate, and the Muslim League for separate electorates. Congress wanted Hindi as the official language with Deva Nagri writing script, while the Muslim league wanted Urdu with Persian calligraphy.   PREFACE The Government of … Read more

Constitution of Pakistan 1956 and Its Failure

Pakistan Studies

INTRODUCTION The Constitution of Pakistan, 1956, was an important document framed after a lengthy discussion, confusion, and effort. The making of the Constitution was a historical event that changed Pakistan’s internal and external image. The Constitution also ended an era of constitutional and public frustration in Pakistan.   MEANING OF CONSTITUTION According to Black’s Law … Read more

Constitution of Pakistan 1962 and Its Features

Pakistan Studies

INTRODUCTION Ayub Khan took oath as President of Pakistan on 18″ February 1960. Soon after, he formed a ten-member constituent Committee. The committee developed a constitutional script. Ayub Khan, as President of Pakistan, approved and implemented this. The constitutional hand was, therefore, formed. This was a presidential constitution. It had 250 clauses, five headings, and … Read more

Constitution of Pakistan1973 and Its Features

Pakistan Studies

PREFACE The Constitution of Pakistan 1973 is the reflection of the democratic aspiration of the people of Pakistan. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and is considered an instrument by which the whole system of Government can run. It determines traits for Federal and Provincial Governments.   HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF THE CONSTITUTION On … Read more

Martial Law of 1958 and its Causes

Pakistan Studies

BACKGROUND In the mid-1950s, Pakistan was like Hobbes’s State of Nature. The Political situation was deteriorating day by day. So on October 7 1958, President Gen Sikender Mirza imposed Martial Law and appointed Gen Muhammad Ayub Khan as the CMLA.   PREFACE On October 7, 1958, Sikandar Mirza staged a coup d’etat. He issued a … Read more

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