Taxation and Labor Laws in Pakistan

Taxation and Labour Law

Introduction The labour and taxation laws in Pakistan play a pivotal role in regulating the country’s workforce and economic structure. These laws are essential for safeguarding the rights of workers, ensuring fair and just treatment, and generating revenue for the government. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of labour and taxation laws … Read more

An Overview of Minor Acts in Pakistan

Minor Laws

Introduction In Pakistan, as in many other countries, the legal system comprises a vast body of laws and regulations that govern various aspects of life. While major criminal and civil cases often take centre stage in the legal landscape, there is an equally vital and less explored aspect of the legal framework – minor acts. … Read more

Administrative and Services Laws: An Overview

Administrative Law

Introduction Administrative and service laws in Pakistan play a pivotal role in shaping the country’s governance and the rights and obligations of its citizens. These laws constitute a complex framework that governs the relationship between the government, its employees, and the citizens they serve. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of administrative and … Read more

Legal Drafting in Pakistan: Precision and Artistry

Legal Drafting

Introduction Legal drafting is an essential skill for lawyers, judges, and legal professionals in Pakistan. It is the art of composing legal documents, contracts, agreements, and court pleadings in a clear, concise, and unambiguous manner. The importance of precise legal drafting cannot be overstated in a country like Pakistan, which has a complex legal system … Read more

Law of Evidence in Pakistan: An Overview

Law of Evidence

Introduction The Law of Evidence in Pakistan plays a pivotal role in the administration of justice and the determination of guilt or innocence in legal proceedings. This legal framework outlines the rules and principles governing the admissibility, relevance, and credibility of evidence in courts across the country. In this article, we will explore the various … Read more

Law of Criminal Procedure in Pakistan

Law of Criminal Procedure

Introduction The Law of Criminal Procedure in Pakistan is a vital component of the country’s legal system, governing the investigation, prosecution, and adjudication of criminal offences. It plays a crucial role in upholding justice, safeguarding individual rights, and ensuring a fair and transparent judicial process. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the Law of … Read more

Law of Civil Procedure in Pakistan

Law of Civil Procedure

Preface The Law of Civil Procedure in Pakistan is a cornerstone of the nation’s legal framework, governing the process through which civil disputes are resolved in its courts. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring justice, fairness, and due process. Understanding this legal system is essential for both legal practitioners and the general public. In … Read more

LLB 5 Years Past Papers

LLB Past Papers

All Past Papers of LL.B (3-Years & 5-Years) can be downloaded from the official website of Punjab University by the following link. Past Papers of LL.B (3-Years & 5-Years)   Note: The link is down due to unknown reasons. Please stay tuned to stay updated. It will be brought in your access very soon.

Lis-Pendens | Transfer of Property Act

Transfer of Property

INTRODUCTION Section 52 of the Transfer of Property Act enacts the doctrine of “Lis-Pendens Bu simply, it means any right to immovable property, which is the subject matter of a legal proceeding, cannot be transferred or dealt with so as to defeat the rights of any party to the suit (except under the order of … Read more

What is Gift? | Transfer of Property Act

Transfer of Property

INTRODUCTION The gift is the transfer of certain existing moveable or immovable property made voluntarily and without consideration by one person called the donor to another called the donee, and accepted by or on behalf of the donee. A gift can also be revoked.   RELEVANT PROVISIONS Section 122 to 128 of the Transfer of … Read more

Revenue Officers | Land Revenue Act

Special & Local Laws

INTRODUCTION Classes of revenue officers are mentioned under section 7 of Land Revenue Act 1967. The Land Revenue Act describes appointment, power duties and functions of all classes of revenue officers. The board of revenue has administrative control in revenue matters all over a province. Board of Revenue controls and supervises revenue officer to whom … Read more

Determination of Compensation for Land

Transfer of Property

INTRODUCTION Land Acquisition Act 1894 empowers the government to acquire land only for public purposes or for companies Compensation is determined and paid to those private persons or bodies whose land is so acquired. Different matters are kept in view while determining the value of the property which is acquired.   RELEVANT PROVISIONS Section 23 … Read more

Who is Lambardar | Land Revenue Act

Special & Local Laws

INTRODUCTION The headman of a village community is called Lambardar. He is appointed by the District Revenue officer/District Collector in a village. The duties of Lambardar are to collect and supervise the collection of revenue of an estate. He is the representative of the village community and a link between the government and the public. … Read more

Rectification of an Instrument | Specific Relief Act

Law of Equity

INTRODUCTION Rectification of an instrument refers to correcting or modifying an error, ambiguity, or mistake in a legal document or contract. It aims to ensure that the instrument accurately reflects the original intention of the parties or not. It also eliminates any inconsistencies or discrepancies that could lead to misunderstandings or disputes.   RELEVANT PROVISIONS … Read more

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