Civil Laws: An In-Depth Exploration

Civil Law

Introduction Civil laws, also known as civil law systems or civil codes, form a foundational part of the legal systems in many countries worldwide. These laws are distinct from criminal laws and govern disputes between individuals, organizations, or entities, focusing on contracts, property, family matters, and personal injury. In this comprehensive article, we will delve … Read more

Cyber Laws: Safeguarding the Digital Frontier

Cyber Laws

Introduction Cyber laws have become increasingly essential in today’s interconnected and digital world, where technology is an integral part of our daily lives. These laws regulate the use of technology, the internet, and electronic devices, ensuring that individuals, businesses, and governments operate within a legal framework that promotes online safety, privacy, and security. This comprehensive … Read more

Environmental Laws: Safeguarding Our Planet’s Future

Environmental Law

Introduction Environmental laws are a crucial framework societies worldwide have established to regulate and protect our natural environment. These laws play a fundamental role in preserving the planet’s ecosystems, ensuring public health and safety, and addressing the pressing challenges posed by pollution, habitat destruction, climate change, and biodiversity loss. This article delves into the concept … Read more

Mercantile Law Smart Outline for Exams

Company Law

PARTNERSHIP ACT, 1932 Q# MINOR AS A PARTNER Introduction Relevant Provisions Definition of Minor Can a Minor Become a Partner? Pre-Requisites for Minor to be a Partner Consequences Rights of Minor as Partner Duties of Minor as partner Position of Minor on Attaining Majority Conclusion Q# REGISTRATION OF A FIRM Introduction Meaning Definition Objects of … Read more

Right of Pre-Emption | Features and Purposes

Special & Local Laws

INTRODUCTION The technical Arabic term for its Anglo-Mohammedan equivalent “pre-emption” is “SHUFAA”, which literally means “adding” or “preference”. Pre-emption is village communities in British India and its origin in the Mohammedan Law as to pre-emption and was apparently unknown in India before the time of the Mughal rulers. In the course of time, customs of … Read more

Right of Pre-Emption | Who can Claim?

Special & Local Laws

INTRODUCTION The technical Arabic term for its Anglo-Mohammedan equivalent “pre-emption is SHUFAA which literally means “adding” or “preference”. The persons entitled to claim or exercise the right of pre-emption are mentioned under the Punjab Preemption Act 1991. However, every person has no right to pre-emption. This right arises only on a complete sale. RELEVANT PROVISIONS … Read more

Determination of Market Value | Pre-Emption Act

Special & Local Laws

INTRODUCTION Section 27 Under Punjab Pre-emption Act, 1991 empowered to Court to determine the market value of the property. The sound guidelines for the determination of the market value of the property describes in section 28 of this Act.   RELEVANT PROVISIONS Sections 27, 28 of Punjab Pre-emption Act, 1991.   LITERAL MEANING The price … Read more

Fundamental Rights | Constitution of Pakistan

Constitution of Pakistan 1973

INTRODUCTION Fundamental Rights are the basic rights of the citizens In the constitution of 1973 the list of Fundamental rights has been given. Every democratic state recognizes the fundamental rights of its citizens. Such rights cannot be suspended or vanished due to constitutional guarantee, other than if the state itself is in danger.   RELEVANT … Read more

Right of Fair Trial | Constitution of Pakistan

Constitution of Pakistan 1973

INTRODUCTION A fair trial ensures impartial judgment, legal rights protection, evidence presentation, and a competent defense, fostering justice and due process. The constitution 1973 of Pakistan has guaranteed the fundamental rights in part II, Chapter 1. The Constitution has given the right to be protected by law to every citizen and has imposed upon them … Read more

Election of President | Constitution of Pakistan

Constitution of Pakistan 1973

INTRODUCTION The constitution of 1973 is partly parliamentary and partly presidential in nature. The president is a symbol of the unity of Pakistan He is elected by the Provincial Assemblies as well as the National Assembly. The president is constitutionally required to act on the advice of the Prime Minister’s cabinet, but such advice ought … Read more

Members of Parliament | Constitution of Pakistan

Constitution of Pakistan 1973

INTRODUCTION Members of parliament (MPs) are elected representatives who make and pass laws, represent constituents, debate policies, oversee government actions, and participate in legislative processes, ensuring checks and balances in the democratic governance of a country.   COMPOSITION OF PARLIAMENT There shall be a Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) of Pakistan consisting of the President and Houses to … Read more

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