Allama Ibn-e-Khaldun | Contributions


Allama Ibn-e-Khaldun was born in Tunis. He learned The Holy Quran and Hadees and Fiqh by heart and devotion. He is known for his contributions to the history of the cultural life of Barber Tribes.


Founder of Ilmul-Imran

Allama Ibn-e-Khaldun laid the foundation of a new science called Ilmul-Imran. This science served as the foundation of Sociology. That is why he was known as The Father of Modern Sociology.



Ibn-e-Khaldun included the method of logic in his famous book Mokadima. He devised various ways to study the relationship between historical events and facts.

He said a close relationship exists between historical, political, and social events. If one event is a cause, the other will be the effect. 

Thus, the cause-and-effect relationship leads to the method of logic.


Theories of Ibn-e-Khaldoon

The contributions of Ibn-e-Khaldun in sociological theory are the following.

1. Theory of Al-Asabiya

Ibn-e-Khaldun is the inventor of the concept of Al-Asabiya. It is a force that keeps people united. People join their minds and forces among themselves, which leads to Al-Asabiya.


According to Ibn-e-Khaldun,

“Al-Asabiya is a collection of emotions of similarity among the people of a particular group that keep them united with each other while having a common effective goal.”

He further says, 

“Society is built and broken only due to the force of Al-Asabiya.”

Importance of Al-Asabiya

When the force of solidarity is created, the group of individuals becomes an invincible force. This force remains dominant upon others, and no power can subjugate it.

Spirit of Cohesion

Ibn-e-Khaldun believed that Al-Asabiya creates a spirit of cohesion among the individuals. The similar emotions unite them into tribes and ultimately into a society.

He says that the tribes, societies, and nations have become successful only due to the force of Al-Asabiya. No tribe can face its enemies without the pressure of Al-Asabiya. As long as the power of Al-Asabiya exists in a nation, no one can snatch the government from that nation.

Religious Movements

In his book, Mokadima, he says that religious movements play an essential role in sharpening the force of Al-Asabiya. He further states that no action can succeed without the pressure of Al-Asabiya.

It means it is straightforward to overcome a country where the force of Al-Asabiya is weak.

Emphasis on Al-Asabiya

Ibn-e-Khaldun emphasized Al-Asabiya, saying that individuals cannot live separately in society. He has to get help from others while living in the community.

For this purpose, an organization is developed. This organization fulfilled the needs of people.

Man is from Animal to Human

He says that man is an animal but becomes human through learning from his society. For example, he knows from social organizations and gets justice from the government.  

A man cannot be forced to do something against his will.

Al-Asabiya on a Large Scale

Ibn-Khaldoon says that powerful and extensive states exist when cooperation is found among the people on a large scale.

It means that to establish a powerful state, the force of Al-Asabiya must be found among the members of that particular society. 

2. Theory of Rural and Urban Society

Ibn-e-Khaldun worked much on human society. He says that human society supersedes animal society. The reasons for this argument are 

  • Men have wisdom
  • They need a supreme governor
  • They search for a means of livelihood
  • They live together for the development of the state

Due to these reasons, man prefers to live a social life in society to fulfil his needs. On the other hand, the animals lack these traits.

Types of Societies

The societies are divided into two categories by Ibn-e-Khaldun.

  1. Rural (Badvi)
  2. Urban (Hazri)
1. RURAL SOCIETIES (Badvi Asabiya)

He says that there is more Asabiya among the individuals of rural society. These people are strong and brave. Great physical force is present among them. Here, the interaction is more significant among individuals who depend more on one another.

2. URBAN SOCIETIES (Hazri Asabiya)

A weak force of Al-Asabiya is found among the members of urban society. The reason is that there is no interaction among the individuals, and they are less dependent on one another. The people in the urban community lead a luxurious life and don’t care for others.

3. Theory of Social Change

According to Ibn-e-Khaldun, human society is ever-changing. This change is only due to the force of Al-Asabiya. He says that a tribe in power may become weak with other changes occurring in the society, i.e. The powerful tribes may raid those tribes that are out of fuel and take control of their government.

Ibn-e-Khaldun expressed his views about Al-Asabiyq after careful thinking. He says

“Al-Asabiya takes about 40 years to develop among individuals fully. Then, this force becomes weak in the next 40 years to such extent that the society declines.”

Principles of Social Change

The principles of social change are the following;

  • The physical boundary of the state should be in control
  • The biological age of a state is 120 years 
  • The rise and fall of nations is turned by turn
Fall of a Tribe

The reasons for the fall of a tribe are the following;

  1. If the force of Asabiya becomes weak among the individuals
  2. If individuals become careless about their religion



Ibn-e-Khaldun contributed a lot to sociological theory. He developed a new science, Ilmul-Imran. This name was later modified to Imraniyat.

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