Agreement and Contract | The Contract Act 1872



An agreement is a mutual understanding between two or more persons about their relative rights and duties regarding past or future performances; a manifestation of mutual assent by two or more persons.



Section 2(e) of the Contract Act defines an Agreement as follows;

An agreement is every promise and every set of promises forming the consideration for each other.

According to Samuel Willson;

An agreement as the courts have said is nothing more than a manifestation of mutual assent) by two or more parties legally competent persons to one another. The agreement is in some respects a broader term than contract, or even than bargain or promise. It covers executed sales, gifts, and other transfers of property.


An agreement is a promise between two or more persons to do or not to do anything against some consideration.


Conditions for an Agreement

For an agreement, the following conditions must be fulfilled.

  1. There must be a promise
  2. There must be some consideration for both the parties


When the proposal offered by one party is accepted by the other party, it becomes an agreement.

[Agreement = Proposal + Acceptance]


Essentials of an Agreement

The essentials of an agreement are the following.

1. Plurality of Persons

There are at least two persons to make, an agreement because one person cannot agree with himself. It should be bilateral in nature.

2. Consensus ad Idem

For a valid agreement, there must be consensus ad idem between the parties, ie, their minds are meeting in the sense that they understand the same thing in the same sense.


‘A’ promises to sell his car to ‘B; for Rs. 3 lac. This promise is an agreement between A and B because a promise takes place when an offer of one person or party is accepted as it is by another person or party.

In the above example, a promise between A and B is also forming the consideration for both parties. Here, an amount of Rs. 3 lac is the consideration for A and a car is a consideration for B.




A contract is an exchange of promises by two or more persons that will result in an obligation to do or refrain from doing a particular act. This obligation is recognized and enforced by law.



Section 2(h) of the Contract Act defines a contract as follows;

An agreement enforceable by law is a contract.

According To Pullok;

Every agreement and promise enforceable at law is a contract.



A agrees to sell his bicycle for Rs.3000 to B. It is a contract because when they register their agreement between A and B is enforceable by law and the law treats their agreement to sell or buy the bicycle as valid.


Essentials of a Valid Contract

The following are the essentials of a valid contract.

  1. An agreement must be there for the parties to enter into a contract
  2. Genuine assent of parties is also very important during the formation of a contract
  3. There must be some consideration for both the parties
  4. The object must be lawful 
  5. The parties must be competent enough to enter into the contract

Obligations that are not Contracts

Sometimes, the obligations are not contractual in nature. The obligations resulting from the following are not contractual.

  • Torts or Civil Wrongs
  • Quasi Contracts
  • Judgments of Courts
  • Husband-Wife relationship


Distinction b/w Agreement and Contract

The contract is differentiated from the agreement on the basis of the following;

1. Scope

Agreement: The scope of the agreement is wider than that of a contract.

Contract: The term contract has a narrow scope than the term agreement.

2. Legal Obligations

Agreement: An agreement may exist without any legal obligation.

Contract: A contract is the result of an agreement and obligation combined.

3. Enforceability

Agreement: An agreement can be a contract only when it is enforceable by law.

Contract: A contract is an agreement that is already enforceable by law.

4. Combination

Agreement: An agreement is a combination of proposal and acceptance.

Contract: The contract is a combination of agreement and enforceability.

5. Position

Agreement: All agreements are not necessarily contracts.

Contract: All contracts are agreements.


Final Note

Agreement and Contract are two different terms. However, it can be said that all contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts.




Define the term “Agreement” and “Contract” and distinguish between the two.




  1. The Contract Act, 1872
  2. N-Series by M.A. Chaudhary
  3. Law of Contract by Avtar Singh

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